Beloved of All
praise report: i praise God for helaign in ym body my teeth feelign bit strogber. pelase pray for my grad abd me bothblood suagr issues pleas epray all type of diabetes leabve my fmialy. pelas pray my mom is heale od fasperger syndondrome. please pray for my brothe rot be dleivere dof histmiane intlerance and my mdad ot have stbale insulin excleltn weight heale dof osteoporisis and his heart vave healed and for my fmaiiyly to be heale od fall dehydration issues.pelas epray my fmialy iy protecd by the holy blodo fo Chirst at all tiems and God doe sal in HIs power ot heal all peole mentall yphysically emotionally pyschologically. Lor dpelas please hela V protec thimf rom alle vil and provid ebest care for him. ipray htis of rlal peopel wher ehe lives.Lor dpela shela his bother heal her of dementia small bowel obsturciton syndrome strgnthen ehal adn hela all scar sinfecitons. help me care for her. Lor dpelas ehal my body. im sorry fo rmy sins. pleas eigv em strenght motivationa nd courage. please alos hela B in every way pyscholically emotionally pohycisally mentally spiritually dleiver hima nd all peoel form all idols flas eGods and all forms of evil. pelase Lor dsned and angel to help with my dad sifnance sif he has any right to retrirement money or housing help pelase od so quickly i do not want him homeless. pelase send help to my dad financially phycially mentlay emotionalyl spirtually and meritally in every way .please brignhim your salvaiton and to al peopel as well. pelas end all poverty coorna visurs my coornaphobia pelase help me clena house clena grandm afeed her diaper sgiv em strenght also pelase giv em my own husband im 34 and owudl liekt o eb loved yb my husband and vice versa soemoen who loves me for me truly uncodnitionally and vic eversa true Lor dlLord. pleas ehal me an dmy momy relaitonship no quarelign compainging or anyhtign help us lov eone another as we ought. please bring miracles teeht helaign to all who need it recreativ emiralce shela my grandmas vasoldilation her bria and remail all nerve skeleton deformaiotn bowels give her propoer bowle movemtbsb Lor dby oyur power lOr djue sChirs.t Lor dhelp em have a better relaitoship with oyu. i feel weary. pelas heal al who ar eibbnjured pleas ehal al who hav emdemntis stroke pelas ehal and help caregiviers. please dleiver lal peoel form all maner of addiciotns. pleas dleive rme form materilism. Pleas help me truly find joy in serivgn you Lord wiht lal my heart. and also giv em enogh rest . please also giv em my mom the helaign she needs in her brian her bloos suagar bowels senses sensory issues pelas ehal eye contact emtoional conneciton between me and my mom. Lor dif B is my husband form you Lord pelas ejoin us by the powe rof oyur holy spirit and please prepar ue sot beocme One flehs if H eis not than please ge this out of my head and heart ASAP! dotn elt me bceome desicved no strange marraige for me. Please if oyu have husband for me keep him faiht ful to OYu always and order oru steps and dleiver our live sofrm the deivl and whateve ris prevneitng us form being husband and wife already dwellign togehter. lor giv em estrenght an dwisdom and i pray htis forhim and all our respective fmialy memebr sgiv eus oyur salvation motivaiton merr yhearts. otuch and hela my husband in every way whoeve rhe is always tel him his wife loves hima nd waiitng for him. Lor dpleas giv eme and my husband the jobs oyu want us to do that glorify you and pelase provide ofr our eneneds.or dpleas eprovide for my emotional need and lonliness needs. i pray htis fo rla poele too. pelas eprotec tmy hubyy ofrm strnage woemn ungodly habits and firends and please join us ot beocme one flehs wheoeve rmy husband is. may i truly be happy wiht him not awkward and drudgery.. Lor dplea sien thenamoe fhte lOr djUe sCHirs.t please God make HIm to beocme man i cna be happy with pelase. pelas ient henameo and vice vers may we lov eone another so deivnley deeply passionatley and may God be glorified and sacrificially.. Please and brign helaign to where we need it thnaky ou Lord Jue sChirs.t od al in your power ot help my fmaily my hubyy ot bels su to protec tus ofrm the deivla nd the lies of the deiv. please belss heal and giv my parent slogn happy helaht ylives best yet to coem for them and if oyu be willing restore them in every wa.y giv eus lal ound mind power and love. ipray oyu only put thos e in authority who do your WIl may all do oyur Wil toda.y pleas emak htis int a great day. please. int henameo fhte lOr djeus Chirs ti ra.y pela shela my grandm alOr dofr your glroy and by your power. help me Lor dhelp me be strogn.. please thnaky ou int henameo fhte Lord Jue sChirs tnam ei pra.y also please dleive B from smlokign alchhaulsism and make him and all peoel to be peopl afte royur heart surrendere dcompelltey Lor dint henamoe fthe Lord Jue sHCirs tname I pray.