Beloved of All
praise report: i prais eGod for giivng me healign iny mteet praise the Lord!please pray fo rmy dad to get a full refund form the eye glasses that and Angel assits him and tha this vision is healed. INT HE NAMOE FTHE lORD jEUS cHIRST. LOR DGIV EHIM THE BEST GLASSES EVER PERFEC TPERSCIRIPTIONA D HELAIGN BY THE POWE ROF THE HOYL SPIRIT. INT HE ANEMOF THE lORD jEUS cHIRS TEYES BE HEALED pelas epray he can have sound mind power an dperfectly communciate his needsa nd ge this needs met at the eye clninic and my da dis faovured by God mightily blessed an dhe drinks lts of water and God heal hima nd my grandma dn my moma nd brother and all peopel. iprais eOYu Got thnaky ouf or all your blessings