Beloved of All
Praise report: i ireceive dmcuh healign thnak you Lord Jeus CHirs ton my teethboen seyes. thnak you all for your prayers. please and i thank you so mcuh God bels oyu forever for praying for my grandma who has been bedridden for many years. she nend helaign form hihg blood sugar high bloos pressure dleiverance form strep and infection metaboklic issues. needs helaign from trauma to brian and small bowel obstrucitons sndrome nutrtional deficiencies malabsorbstion neds healign form kidensys heart and blood pressur eeyes blood defomrities. i nee dhelaign form strep all flehs eaitng bacteri aneuropathy ( me an dmy grandma need helaign of diabetres insipidus. my dad is homelss pleas epray he recives a pension form God. pelas epray of rgood weather and so he doe snot get ill. pelas epray for he needs helaign fo osteoporisis lonlines ( eotional helaing) he nee dhneeds healign form trauama he need shealing He needs the Lord alvaiton .pleas epray the Lor dblesses my dad wiht helaing emoitonall yhyscially mentally and give my dad excllent insulin levels and weight an dheals boen sfracture and heart valve and dleivers my dad form allillness trauma and sickness : Lor dplase protect my dad his ocmign and goign guid ehimw ith your HOly spirit plese be my dads FAther,.please giv ehim the help he needs to get a pension adn not be homless .please do allin your power ot dleiver him form homlessnes ot keep him safe have the right medical attenton and help wiht lonliness and also send true chrstians to minsiter to him. Lor dpleas eblss his work bles shim financially bless his health his thoguhts an dgiv ehim love power and sound midn and and fillign of the Holy spiirt ot the utmst for hima nd mymother.LOr dpelase restor emy parent smarriage as accoridng to your Will. please them your salvaiton healign.pelas ehal my mom s brian heal her of asperger syndrome pleas egiv eher the right nutrtionshe needs for hear ,.dleive rher form all strep form all flehs eatign disorders an dor suagr metbalic acidsiis disoerds, as well as my whoel fmaily. plese dleiver me an my fmaily and all people and my hubby formt he Lr dform all unclena spirits formll eivl and destroy the works of the deivl in our lives. Lor dif oyu have husband for me keep himalways fiahtuflt o yo ord Jeus Chirst and ot me his wife our marriage .giv ehimt he joyb you want himt o have and alsways guid ehim wiht your hOly spirit.please hela him in every way restir ehima nd preapre him to be excllent lovign husband to me . pleas le tkme knwo who my husband is Lord and please dont let satan ever ocme between us or our love for oyu Lord as number one and love one another with devine love form you Lord in everyway . i pra ymy husband always sees me as his rib and gif tformt he lor dot be loved treasur eproteted an dprovided for. may he never be bitte.r ipra ym hubby wil find me via Holy spirit and ivce ersa. Lr djoin us ot be One flehs to serve you at the appointed itme. protect us ofrm the deivl and our fmailies pleas ehal restor eus and guid eus bless our union .may me and my hubby glorify God our union in every way. Lor pleas eprotect bless and guid eour future offspirg under our Lord jeus Chirst. our marriage under our Lord Jeus Chirst. I pray for B ot beldeilvere dof all ungodly friendy and souls ties and ungodly habits and me too. Lord strgnthen him giv ehim merr yheart heal his teeth gums etc. dliever himf ormall sickness and idseas.e bring helaing ot his heart mind will emotiony. protect himf orm alle vil. i pray htis for lal poepel. too.Lor dguid eus wih toyu rhOly spirit always. giv emy hubby greatwisdom and understanidng towards me. may he dwellw ith me wiht great understnaing and love and devoiton to oyu Lor dand our marriage. MAy he awlays put our marriage honourbale above all. may i never nbe second place ot his respective fmaily friends etc. may we Walka s One be Oen flehs in every way .. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. I pray my hubby fidn only me attractive and vice versa and the Lord estbalishes or love devine and unbreakables. Lord otuch my hubby an dhelp him reconize em as his wife n divce evrsa. may we fidn nothign unclena in one anothe rin Chirst... LOrd protec otur marriage form adultery and do the same for lal marriages Lord. you have ordianed. please dlieve rlal th ehomelss form homelssnes and please hela my brohte rhis wife an dbab in every way.provid ehtemwit the bes tof everyhitgn and brign oyur slavaiton to all my fmialy all poeple. prias eot oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. all glory an dhOnour and priase oge sot oyu. make us do oyur Will. thank you Lor din thenameo fthe Lor dJeus Christ.