Beloved of All
Praise report: i had a trauma to my jaws and i want tell you the Lord s so good healed my jaws and facial bones! prais ebe to the Lord Jesus Christ fille dmy mouth with good thignsthank you Lord for your helaign and all your blessings! please birgin your full salvaiton and delieranc eot all my fmaily blood line for my husband an dhis family. protect us all form evil and brign us to full repentance and know oyu all the more. pelas ehela my grandma form small bowel obstruction malnutrtion dementia and blood suagr issues flehs eaitng bacteria. prais eand glor yot oyur Lord Jeus Christ. also brign healing to my mom in every way. bless her giv ehe royur salvaitona nd my grandma nd giv e her a ver ymerry heart dleive rher form all unclena spirits please Lord Jeus Chirs tby oyur powe.rpelas ehal her and strenghtne her bones and teeth and giv eher all the nutriton she needs and alsopleas ehal all peopel teeth andall peoples teeth heal you know whos teeht andbody and may he feel your love so strognly and also all peopel too. pelase dleive rmy brother form histmaien intolerance and please protect hima nd his fmaily . bless hiis marriage and child ( and with more children to come
and please bless and hela my da din every way. pleas eotuchhim where he needs helaign and my mom too and grandma and my husband whoever he is. please guide lal my fmialy memebrs and allnd al peopelw ith your holy spirit. pelase ressurect organs abck to lif please grown nes teeth bbones organs skin for pelas.e please hal me form hirstism and the cuas ehtere of please dleive rme form this please heal me of all sickness and please heal my of diabete sinsipidus and the cuas ehteref.. please forgiv emy sisn and and thnaky ou for etenrla life. please give you knwo who the best job ever excelelnt money colleagues christian environment and remove all evil form his life and form this world and form my fmaily and is fmaiyls life. dleive rme and my fmaily form witshc craft Lor dJeus Chirst please cuas eme to hear oyur voice and obey you always. please salve al sousl with oyur holy bood thanky oyu for forgivign or sins Lord wiht oyur Holy blood washign us clean. wash me clean Lord please and this world pelasehelp us serv eoyu. all glor yto you always and forver!!