Beloved of All
praise report: i felt the Lord helaign much helaign in my teeth gums jaw alignment thank youy Lor dJeus Chirst. i amunworthy of anythign good. thanky u for helaign.pelas epray for my grnamda who has been bedriddenf ro 7y ears.i am her caregiver. plea speray Gdo supports me and helps me car eof rher tha ti am nto so lonely. plea spera ymgrandma is healed her bloos aguer levels malnurttion malbasorbtion dehydraiotn deformities heale dpleas Lord hela me and my grandm and all peopel with have blos suagar blodo pressur ehypertension diabetes insipidus type 1 diaebte stypes 2 insulin resistance. pelas eLor dhel am my grnamda shear tmy moms heart hela my moms brian pleas help me enjoy her company and help me not get voerwhelemd with commuicaitng wiht her. pelas heal her of asperger snydorm. lord pelase heal me form a lack of midn foccus not proiorizign YOu and what neess to be doen lustign disspaintment lustign coventousness coronophobia not haivng a fulfllign relaitons hip with oyu or peopel a si would want. Lor ddleive rme form stress woryy guitl i pleasd your Holy blood ov rmy life. help me to clean your hoem feed your sheep. help me to nto be angry ipatiant bitter or resentfulw ith fmaily. Lor id feel ver ylaon help me to eb strong. pelase send me the help i need as you deem fit. hela me emotionally hela me form the bitterness of not being marrie dand feelignlimited an unsupoorted. Lor dhelp me to let go of control. please help my fmaily to have merry hearts and nto worry. please dliever my entire family bloodlien form streteccous blood sdisorder and remove all bitterness anger hatred complang murmerign discontent dleive rmy famiyl form all eivl in our hearts. hmake us commit our lives to oyu establish our steps and protec tus at all tiem form the devil. Please givem wisodm discernment .pelase protec tm ydad and his bod yn dmind and also al fmilny minds form all evil intrusive htoguths add . give us all soudn mind power na dlove pour your Holy spirit upon all my fmialy memebrs. pelase giv eus grace and help us to eb abelssign t others. Please help us to trust oyu and teah cus your waysplease make all ourt days coutnt to serve oyu and giv eoyu glor.y pleas eprovide ofr la our needs accoridng to oyur wil and riches in glory ipray hti sfor al my fmialy meebrs and all peopel please dliever lal peopel form flehs eatign bacteria sepsis sal bacterial infections leave al peopel int henamoe fthe LOrd Jue sChirst. please giv eme wisdom and desire and stregnht and joy in caregivign. pleas esttrenghtne an dhela my grandma heart. pelas ehal my brothers teeth so he doesnt have ot go to dentist.please send an angel t o minsiter to y brother concenrign his health and slavaiton in Chirs.t pleas ebless my brother marriage and his wife abundnatly.and thier fmaily. pease reocnciel my mom and da din holy matrinomy if this is your WIll Lord. please dliever my fmialy form al fals eGods and idolatries. please help em clen and hela my brian form intrusive htoughts. please restor emy grandma ot health. please hela al inhospitals .pleas eforce all to do oyur will today. may the holy spirit guide all peopel into all truth concernign all thgns. dleive rus frm satan and clearly expose all of satan's lies and dleiver us form all the powers of ehell Lr dthanky uf or helaign em .please teahc me how to keep my helaing. pelase ressurect la atha tis dea idn my life . hla my form past rlaitonshsis. wash me clena in your blood giv em a neww beggigning. Pleas elr di ask this for lal my fmaily memerbs pelas ehal my fmaily in every way on allsides al spouses children adn relative san dall poepel. pelas ehal and dleiver all peopelf orm all satnic thoguhts. please please giv ehope to the hopeless food to the hungy God ordained sppouses ininculidng myself ywho you want to marry. Lor dplease dleiver b form all eivl form smoking and drnikign and giv ehima hard desir ein his heart to fllwo God and keep himself clean form bad influence. ma yhe recognize all ungdoyl influence. pelas edleiver himf roma ll desturcitv eungodly habits and please protect himf orm all evil. Pleas eigv e him your slavaiton and dlieverance form all that is nto form you Lord. in the nameo fthe Lord Jue Chirst. may he always do your will. I pray if oyu ahve ausband for m you reveal to me who He is and how i am to help him as HIs help mate. please mak eit a very commantic devide Godordained Heavenly connection between me and the man whom you want me to marry Lrd. make it clear hwo He is and prepare us for each oter. pelas eldieve urs form all flase God and odols. pelas eprodie our need sofr housign work andbless our union so mcuh it is abelsisgn to others. pelas emake sure we keep You Lord an dor marriage first place second to YOu. pelase odnt let anyhtign or anyone incuding orselve skeep us apart from eahc other for we are one flehs whom you join together Lrd. pelas eguid eour union always and may your purposes be doen in our marriag eand lives. please giv eu sreat communciaiotn wihtone another eye contact adn breahttakign romance and true love for oen another respect admiraction and fun . May we be hapy al the day sof our lives and dleive rus form all evil Lord and fform all evil that oculd ever precenthis from happenig. fight for oru marriage Lord and estbalish our union wiht yu Lord an doen another . may nothign ever coem between God me and my husband. Lor di pray you restoea al broken marriage swhom you have ordained to be joined by you God. this includies my parents marriage if oyu are willign. pelas ehela all that is brokenin me Lord and do the same fo rmy husband formt he Lord please hela His mbod ymidn emotions giv ehim wisdom at all tiems especially ocncenring em and may He show me His love his prescne soon and may we be faihtful to oen another. int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus chirst and ot the Lord Jeus Chirst. may nothign evil ever come between me and my husband and ourlove ofr oen another. may we trulylove each other so mcuh so we forge tourownlives and woudl dief or the other one. int henameo fthe Lord Jeu sChirst. Lord keep me in your way and keep me the apple of oyur eye me my hsubadn fmaiy lmemebry and al peopel. Please aksign for a calm productive qeit day. dton el tme eget distracted or bitte ror angry or resnetful. deive rme form these htigns help em to seek oyur face always an difnd your heart Lor dpelase also praiyng this for all popel. please od all iny our power that no accidents occur in my fmaily or the worlds and that lal popele are dleivered of all temptations and that we use our tiem wisely and Lor dgiv eus wisdom to use our gifts and spiritual gifts as accoridng to your Will. i pray htis of rla lpopel. Please may all belive int he Lord Jue sChirst. lor giv em wsdom and undrstanidng how ot help my fmaiyl and help me be strogn indepandant woman dependign on you. Pelase dlieve rme form the eivl spirit of lonliness. Please tell me how ot worship and whucich curch and pelas ebless oyur churhc . pelase brign all poepel into oyur Heavly Kingdom through the bLood of Chirst. pelas eforgiv emy sisn and help me d your IWll not mine Please heal my dads spinal injur ylor douthc himw here nHe need emotional helaign andphysical heaign and mentla helaign. pelas ehal his lungs an dhis heart. strenghten an dhela his heart. pelase help him lose exccenss weight and dleive rher form allcarvasuclar example disease. heal his mind and please reveal oyur love and oyur self to him and all peopel pelase help him not be so lonely and pleas ehelp him get his taxes and retirement benefits. please giv ehimall the beenfits and blessing yu want for him.pelas egiv ehima merry heart an dmy mom dleiver them form all evil and cruch ed spirits.pelase also hela Vilike help him get aphone of his wn so we cna call him regular.y hela him and dleive rhimf orm all evil. ipray the hwole intézet will eb blesse dbecuas eof Vilike and or fmaily. Lor dJeus Chirs tod al in your power to heal him and al my fmaily mmebrs pleas reeleas emy fmily form al generaiton scurses and release us form stanic bondage. and all power sof hell. pelas erelase me frm all wtichcraft if applicable form all dmeons adn d the same for my husband form the Lord. release HIm and me and our fmailie sin to our God given destiny and send us trillions of Hoy angels who will help us odo the Will of God. pelase od al ny our power to do this Lrd and may i hear your voice clearly today and the right ton too. dleive rem from aspergers whenit comes to oyu Lord. please hela my granduncle B his heart form cardivascular diease ipray of rhis helaign in every way dsalvtion and helaign for his grandsons hands boens fractres be ealign itn he nameo fthe Lord jue schirs.t ipray that my family is deivered fo al thngs tha ti sno livign water formt he Lord Jeus Chirst Holy spirit. pelase dleive rme form my own selfish plans distrations love of designing stuff and dleiver our world form all plagues disaster fmaines . hank yu Lord ofr othe food you giv eus i prais ena dhtnak yu Lord pleas ebless al popele wiht gfodo for giv eme for wasitn gfood and resources. teahc me to be wise. teahc me how to clean and how to make or home enjoyable and refectyYOur glory aloen Lord. pleas eprovide a kingjames verison bible to my neice and brother and wife fmaily bibel tha twe cna buy very cheaply and engraved names. Pleas ebelss my neice and their parent siwht exceleltn hoem of their own int he locaiton you want. may we be abel to see them often . Please heal siste irn law in every way help her understand my brother may she an dmy btohrer have incrdibly intimate happy romantic Godly relaiotnship alway sna may they be faithful to one another true love. le tnot the deivl coem between them. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirs thanky oU Lord