Beloved of All
praise report: i felt helaign touched in my jaws eet formt he Lord. thank you Lord JeusCHrist true God and eternal life. pelas ehal all who need helaign in teeth and tnla issues and recreate teeth andorgans to thos ein need of them for excellent helath and please do mayn miracles in all our lives all prais eglory and honur to oyu Lord thnaky u for everythign for eternal life for you Lord Jeus Chirst. be wiht us and help us toknow and do your perfect wWIll. please pray my grandma is helae odf dmentia lal ebd of illness demtia circulaiton blood suagr issues bacterial issues hygeien issues that i am god caregiver. pelase lOr dgiv eme the sternght to car eof er her also pelase pray fo rmy mom to be heale dof aspegers and ourrelationship not to become bitte irn anyway or fileld iwht resentment.I am goignt o be 34 on friday. im askign Gdo for amiracl ehusband stil nwo age 33 and also for him to get me bouquet of rose osn my birthday. pleas pray this is if is Gods Will in thenameo fthe LOrd Jeus Chirst. husband formt he Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas epray i have good birthday and that im not emotional or sdad . pleas epray that God does al in his power to make me wella nd happy in thenamoe fthe lOrd Jesus Christ and same wiht al peopole. . pelas epray fo rher helaign of her heart teeth and brain I pray if B is my husband that the Lord nforms with ye sor no loud and clear and the whoel appointed timing of me and my husband formt he Lor dot be soon. im impatient of waiitng. I feel weak and lonely. pleas epra ythe Lor dhelay me of al disease delivers me form all metabolic acidsisi type diabetes diabete sinsipidus and all emotional ptsd be heale drelaitgn to fmaily. pela epray my fmaiyl is heale dof all trauma reconcield by the blood of Christ that the Lor dodes all inhis power to bles my enitre fmaily bloodline and espeiclaly bless us with exceleltn health and that our body and soul prospers i pray htis for my husband formt he Lord God knows who He is and HIs fmaiyl. ipra ym husband form God is immesely blesse dfinanyciall and can provide for me and our fmaily . may he be blessed wiht excelelt helaht strgnth soudn midn power and very merry heart.pelas epray me and my husband will fall inlove at first sight that we can communcate amzign divine conenction and God doe sla inhis power to meeake us oen flehs soon. please pray my brothe ris heale dof histmaine intoelrance and all disease dehydration his teeth and all his body that his joy is restored and body soul. that his wife too in exccelnt healht and the baby God help them provid ethem the best of the best of everyhtign for oyur ghlory by your power. pelas eprovide helaign to my dads bones and dleive rhim form crushed spiti.pelase send triliosn of hoyl angels to all my fmaily my husband and his fmaiyl and all peopel. pelas eprotect allc hristians form persecutions. pelase lr please pelas epelase protect chrisitans form persucutions. may al eb saved by the blood fo XChirst lor dhelp us fidn you. pelase protect my hoem form evil form pests form glass bits . Lor d need you to pelase giv em wisodm on how to help my moma nd care for my grandma dn tell em how to minsiter and to whom. please help B hela him bles himforever. bles my famiyl and his fmail forever. Lr o strang ehusbadn for em. pleadse giv eus joy Lor dgiv emxy gradnam exclelntblooos pressur eblood suagr bowel movements you deivne hand on my grandma lor dJeus Chirst alway. dlepelase mircuoulsy hela he rlOr djeus Christ for oyu rprais epower and glroy . please also heal B in every way teeth gums boens jaws giv ehim merry heart and hela hisankle heal him and help him do the roof soon and give himt eh right godly firneds who help him to do your will. pelase dleive rhim form alchohaulsim form smokign and hela him form all trauam. int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor dtell me loud and clena ywho my hsuabdn is. thanky ou for hImtell him ilove him all the time whoever the amn is. you choose Lor doyu know whose rib i am form.only him pelase and make us fall soo deeply in love wiht one another join us to be One Lor dfor oyur glory and by your power. pelase make it heaven on earth with my husband of your choosign Lord. provid eofr us and may we be more than happy drema come true we only want each other tu spouses Lord htnak you int henamoef the Lord Jesus Christ. Lor dpleas eguid emy whoel fmaiyl and all in authority wiht oyur hoyl spirit . force all to do oyur willa dn may we al eb at peace wiht one another. pelase end all covid and all famine wars. pelase nd ukraien war peacefully and mriaucolsy,. pelas eend cpvid miraucosly peacefulyl. pelase brign hope to hopless recreativ emriacles in peopelw ho need new teeth gusm dental flehs organs. set all free form cancer addictions. help us to know oyu and doyour willl. protect my dad and all peoelw hile they travle. pelase fight for poor and needs peopel. pelas edo all iny our power to heal Viliek to heal his rbian and my moms too and my brothers and al lpoeel minde as wela nd randma. giv eus helaing in our bones giv eus all life in abundac ei pray this for lal epopel. pelase deivnely protect all marriaged you have ordained Lord let nothign break apart marriage san dfmialies. help us allt o dwell in unity. pelase no fighitng in my hoem only peace and help us to speak your word only Lord what oyu wnat us to sa and only do what ouy want us to do and only ehar what oyu want us to hear. help me wiht my problems . dleiver my fmaiyl form all satanic entities and powers dleive rus form all flehs eatign bacteria. all prais eand glroy goe sot oyu and pelase do this for lalpeopel. pelas ehall all peopel and ldieve rlalpeopele form every type of doisease whethe rphysicla metnal emotional spirutal truam ptsd diabetes diabity insipidus cancer tumors all "incurabel conditions" lLord oyu have alpower have mercy an dheal al who have aids and forgive our sins. please keep my husband protect form evila nd keep him faith ul in our marriag ebed keep hi heart faithful to God and to em his wife. may he desir em only as a woman and may i onyl desir ehim as man. may the htoght of adulter ybreak our hearts .devinely protect our mrraariage form all outisd evil forces that ar eagisnt us . also protect an dguid eour marriage our union as One lord iwht you. may all knwo that Yu ar ebhind our marriage and no weapon formed agisnt oru marrige prosper. may we do good to one anothe rforeve rin thenamoe fthe Lor dJeu sChirs.t pela sehla my grandma sbloos pressure and my moms too and da.d pelas ehelp em be at peac eiwht my moma nd her with me. giv eher wisdom when and when not to chastise me. im so tired of the fighitn Lor dhelp her see im triyng my best adn pelase help her wiht any negative thougths dleiver her form all suicidal thoughts so that they never return. Pelase Lor dJesus Chirst. hela mymom in every way. dleive rher form negativ ehtoughts. restor eher enrgy oyuth optimsm and may she see me as her duaghter . pelas eblss her wiht logn healthy life and my grandm and dad too and my brothe ran dmy husband and all peoel as well. long helath happy life in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. dleive rus form all deivl pelase lord and guid eus into all truth. may we obyeyour vpice onyl help us all to knwo you deiscern oyur voice and know between good and evil and also always choose good. giv eus wisdom . forgivness and emry. int henameofthe Lord Jesus CHrist.