Beloved of All
Praise report: i did feel many helaign touches of the Lord Jeus sChrist . thank yu Lord for shifitng my teeth int oplace and miracles..i am so grateful!! also my grandma said osme words thnak you so mcuh . prais eOYu Lor deven now! Yesterday oyu shifte dmy teethi nto place.. thnak you.!!! i praise OYu thnak you for oyu rhelaign thank youf or prayers. oon anothe rnote.. pleas epray for my emotional mentla helaht of me an dmy fmialy.. im very weary today. pleas epra ygo dheals my grandms form dmentia severel malnutriton bolood suagr issues small bowel obsturciotn syndorme.. infecitons.. hela her narrow vains and arteries brain dmentia.. nerves evryhtign so she cna walk tlak blink agian and Lor dhelp me to care fo rhe rhelp me to be strong.. Lor di feel lonely and im 34.. i wanted to get married.. pleas epra ygdo helas me of kidneys diabetes diabetes insipidus and my grandma too. im so weary.. i wish otda ywas a rwally good day.. i jsut pray Godmaye this a really godo day for my grandma mom adn dad and all my fmaily. weve been through so mcuh so much illneses and hardhsip.. i pray God has mercy and hjelps us haev healthier better strnghtens us .. soemhtign godo ahppens to us and smae with B And V and my dad.. ord we are weary,. .. please ican i serve oyu i i am so weary.. Please thnak you so much jsut now i ve felt ouyr healign ouches help em to recognize your ture voice and follow you and obey oyu and i pra you make care givign easier. i m so weary... pelase thnak you. thank you and pelas ehal my dads healrt valv heal hei emotionals giv ehim strgnth power love soudn mind and smae wiht lal peelle like never before. Lord i ilistend to so many serosm in my lfie.. but was it a waste of time?? i feel lonely.. lost Lor dhelp me please really fidn me like your chidl pelase and od the smae for all peopel. pelas ehela al peopel do recreativ eiracles.. my moma nd dd an dbrotherdleive rus Lor dofrm dperession. pels ehelp my dad so he is not homeles sint he cold.. Lor dpelase giv em clening suplies and my own husband who love me and vice versa pleas eprotec thimf rom all evil. pelase heal ll peopel. i fgrateful for all your helaign. btu i always feel ic annto keep up i cnnot keep up and im tired it make sme tdrianed and wihtut joy. pelase Lor drestore some joy in my fmaiys life. i understand w emucst stand storngin faiht but i pray oyu make our livs less bleak mroe joy. pelase hela my grandma hwo has been bedridden for years thanky ou Lord. also i am so confused baout my identity ( you know my issue s Lord.. i feel liek a weid woman cuas eo f aocndiiton ( i growq beqrd) i wish i didnt grow beard idont understand why God mad eme weid and very hard to handle blood sugar issue s ( th ecaus e) im sa di jsut wanted ot be normal.. ) . Lor dpelas heal me of al helaht issues and dleiver em and my fmialy form the deivl and B too and my hubby. Lor di m weary . please send angels to strenghtne me and my fmaily and B. hela him his teeht heal my bros teeth my moms and dad. dleive rmy brothe rof histmaine intoleranc edleiver my granma form diarrea.. jsut good bwoel movelmetbs. Please sned a hoyl angel to minsitrt to me my feelign. hela my mom dleive rher form all unclena shtoughts all unclean spirits. help me clena huse i want a exclelent brooms mops for clenaing adn enought time for res tal this pressure Lor dpelas ehlp!!! help me pelase.. please belss my da dmiraoculsy wiht acocomodation so he is not homeles sint he cold. i feel so overmwelhen.