Beloved of All
pRAISE REPORT: during praiynthe Lord shifted my teeth back into place. prais eGod H eis our healer! thnak you all for praying for me and my family for our needs slavaiton and repentance in Chirst . Please ocntinue to pray fo rmy grandma bloodpressur ebedrddidedn for years doesnt blink talks maybe 1 word a day. needs more strgnth she is very malnuttioned. neeed helaign of small bowel obstuction. i need helaign to be better cargivr. pleas epry fo rmy mom shead to be heale dsehee needs. helaign.i need dleiveranc eform anger and bitterness tha tim not marrie dyet andand feel stagnant and dleiveranc emy whole fmaily needs dleiverance form evil spitis flehs eating bacteri strepteccous. my da dneed shelaign his heart valve osteoposis and also emotionally . he is lonel ypelas epray for him to have firends wiht fiaht. Lor dgive him OYur slavaiton hope and helaign and sma eiwhtmy mtoher. pelase also help them turnt o oyu and find you. Lor di feel far form you.please brign em close to OYu have mercy for my sins. idid somehtgn awful. pleas ei dont ever want to do that agian like yesterda.y pelase keep a guiard ove rmy motuh. giv em exclelent tempreanemnt an dhela my from truama cocnernign not beign affirmed. thnak yuLord. ineed direction clarity and oyu Hoyl spotiit to guid eme into all truth concernign oyur Will for my life and if you have a husband who He is. pelase lOrd also help me to knwo mypopuse and od oyur will. make things clear make my paths stright. help me do the taks cleanign diapers moe easily .make it more fun. pelase giv em also Godly firendhsips friends with faiht in you Lord ot pry for me and my fmialy and vice versa and same wihtmy husband whoever He is. dleive rus ofrm all evil doers me and my husband and send trillions of Holy angels and the peopel you want to help us me an d husband Lor.d Lor dod allinyour power to join me and my husband may heknwo im HIS rib and no one else and tha ti cam form HIS rib and no oen else s. may your union be so uniqueliek nothign i have esperienced and orgdained joined by God may our union be like heaven on earth. tell my husband i love him wheoevr He is all the tiem all the timea dnmay he find me and recognize em as HIs ver yown wife form God and me recognize that He and He allone is my adam form God and my husband and may satan never coem between us or any other thing or perosn .may the Lord join us so powerfully that all other will know it is the hand of God and oso will we may all respect out marriage inclduign us and may we neevr keep each other aprat form one another may we dwell wiht one andother wiht the Lor din HIs dwelelign place where He want sus to dwell pleas epray of rme i want God to give me my own husband and my own hoem wiht himf or his glroy and by his power int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst soemoen who is eas yot get laong wiht comminucte with have fun with be myself wiht soemoen who doesnt condemen critiszite me upsaet wiht em soemoen who find me very attractive muost atrtrractiv ewoman he eve rheard seen laid eyes on and same for me him being the most attractiv elovign faiht gul devoted to servin the lOrd Jesus Christ. who put sour marriage fist always who care sfo rme like his won body who Gods joins em to be oen flehs wiht. i also pray every womand and every man have their own spouse form God whom they enjoy life wiht and dwell togehter and no strnage marriage for anyone int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ sma ewiht my parents. Lor reconciel marriage that oyu have ordained including my parent.s in the namoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst for oyur glory and by your power. pelase also giv em parents excllent Godyl friendships .send trillions of holy angels to minsiter an dhel and help with healign to my parents my grandma brothe rhis wife their baby and Vilike too. pelase hela Vilike neulogically and protect himf rom all evil doers and evil people. pelas ehlp us see him. pelase protect his mouth teeth gums.d elive rhim from all dentla decay hela him and hela his whoel body ot glorify you Lord Jeus Chirst. ipray allintézet helaed by the power an dlov eof Chirst. pelase Lord hela all peopel by the power an dlvoe of Chirst. hela all dentla flehs helapeopel ina ccidents and do allinyour power to prevent peopel form accidents deaht disease dleiver all peopel form al generational curses flase Gods al evil and dleiver lal peopelf orm evil addictions and help us ahev joy int he presence and worship of our LOrd Jesus Christ. pelas ehal themand im sorry fo dishounourign hurtign them int he past. please help themforgiv eme and help them seek and find you Lord ot care for them. pelase also helamy grandma bedridden Lord for 7 years. help me and mymom be excelelnt cargiver.s Lor dim weary pela sehlp . pelas eprovide mobiel bed help my grandm aainweight. pelas emak eit easy and fun to care for her. pelase help B with the roof befor eit gets hold provid ehim the help he needs. pelase bless help heal and giv ehim merr yheart willign to help wihtt he roof. if He is my husband confirmt his to me and HIm if Not also cnfrim this to me and him if he is but not the appointed tiem tel this to me and HIm. pelase no strange husband for me. pelase also brign my husband into my life soon. tell whoever He is tha tim waiitng for himf aithfull y and i love hima nd i pray i will always be a husbge crown to him and he exclelnt hed to me. i pray the Lor dguides us to be one flehs soon at hIs timign and we are God ordained to be One flehs. whoeever thisman is let me knwo loud and cleara to whom you want me to marry and tell the manim HIs wife. YOur IWll be doen Lord you knwo wha ti need i trust you. I pray oyu join us toghter soon adn that we are very happy andglorfy you Lord and serve you togehter ipray my husbadn will be the most humble lovign man i pra God belss his heart hismouth his finances his fmaily health.Lor dbles smy husband in every way and guide HIm with your hOly sporiti devinely protect our marriage form all evil form all idolatry false Gods and idols lust adultery and dleive rus formall temptation expose every lie and may the devil had no power over my marriage wiht my husband or his life or my lif eour fmailies lives and the fmaily we have togthers lives in thenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ. Lor dprotec tmy husband form all evil doers form all eivl and form every false wy and strange woemn. may he only be atracted to me and find all other owmne very dull and unattractive and know theyare not his oen and onyl bridebeign me
may My husband always seee em as hi bride may he prais eme always may he cherish me holy me love look me int he eyes when he talks to me may he have exceleltn wisdom and dwells wiht em in understandign may he never be ashamed of me or find me unclena in any way in thenamoft eh Lord Jeus Chirs.t please Lord join me and my husband to be husband and wife son. pelas ealso make the transition into marriage super easy for me and my fmaily. pelas ei dotn want to neglect my fmaily but i do wan t my own husband Lor dhelp me in all these areas. pelase le tme knwo how to help my mom and what she needs form me and help to help my grandma what she needs form mee. pelase giv ethemlogn helaht mircouls long life glorifying you Lord pelase dleiver em form all ungodly habits and same wihtmy husband form God. Lor di need wisodm concenrign corona virus what is it and dliever em form corona virus Lor dby your power. i need you to guide me into all trusth. pelase destroy coronavirus and all its mutations form the face of the earth.please do all inyourpower to dleiver us form corona vuirus and it smutations , from famien form alel vil. pelase dleiver em from lov eof money and lovign pretty clothes and posessions and lovign my wn vision for my lfie. pelase deliver m form these idols nd do the same for all peopel. pleas ehal al who needs dentla healign including my grandndma her tongue too Lor dmy mom dad brother all peopel , B . pelase never divid eus or destro your marriage our health ourlives or family or futuer