Beloved of All
thank you Lord after many years soemimprovemnt wiht grndma responivneness she shook ehr head yesterday after many years and yesterday imrpovment inher eye. pelas helaher eyes infeciotn dicoulraiotn ehla her form dmentia. also thanky ou Lor dhfor helaign iny mbody. pelas ehal my of diabetes insipidus and my grandma oto root cause. ( coventesnouos forme and infecitonf or hr.. or soemthign hygenic). perprais ereport for my mom back doing bette. rhelp em be ptient wiht her helher ofrm adhd and asperger he rbrian andhela all who have htis as wlel ( possibly B and my brother to small extenet). giv eme wisodm andpowerot act on wisomand onyl obey oyur voice ipray htis for lalpeopel.pels eprovid eus wiht best nutrtion for our bodies healht all my fmaily and relaitives and allepoel. healignof incurabel diseases. and PRAISE report thnky ou healign of jawalignment mnet teeht. Ipraise youLord and thanky ou. forgiv emy sisn. help me to honoru sabbath keepitholy. pelas eblesss my da idnhis travels only meet hwo he needs o tmeet protechtimf ormcovid repritory infecitosn disase proviede and bels shis food yso he is 1000 stornger heart merr yhealed. provide best and usdden money ofr hima dn brign him into his promised adn healign andwhoiokeness slavaiotninc in Chirst an dmy mom too. and for lalpeoel. hela alwho nee dhelaign and new tetth gums bones jaws organsand new teeht form ydad helaign of hlfie dleiveranc eform emotional bondag to dmeons. dleiverance form demosn helaign by the blood of Christ adn ehalign for all by the blood of ourLord Jeus Chirs.t destory the works of the deivl inmy paernt slive sbels sheal resote ressurect what dea dor numb for allpeoel espeically all peoel. hela my brother giv esufcceful belssedmust devine belss my baby nephe wibnevery wayheal him of dehydraiotn issues and for the hwole fmaily. guid ehis parntes wiht oyur hOly spirit into al truth helai my brothe rof histmien intoelranc help him gianweight and destory the wroks f the deuvl forevr that caused htta probelm adn hela allwho have canc. dleive rme form all ucnelan spsiirts phobias conroaphobia helaign of dirty cltohe scontaminated phobia dirt phibia irratioal intrusive htoughts phcysis dleiver em formall demonisc lies and od the smae for allepoel. pelas surroudn us wiht oyu love mercy and full proteciton under the holy blood ofour Lord jeus Chirs.t plase provide the bes tof the bes tof my grandma nd helaignof woudns causes by maggodsin ehr flesh . pelas ehlp me ash her hair feedher best apriporate nutriton pelas egiv em mom best appropriatenutrion for bets brian heath deveopme her brian heal ing of aspeger sydirme and for lalwho need it. help us hear oyur ovice and sicern your thoughts word itnentions an tone lord. same iwht my hubyb guid eme ndmy ubyb ot be one flehs soon. help me clen how brucsh teeht heal me andmy dad and grandma of allisnulin reistance and all insuline probelms give my da dstable insulin helaignos osteirisis helaign fo all hsi boen sfat strign boens healign of ucnean htouthgs . onyl good tought sin his giv heim hope thatthe Lor dhas VERY stirng callignhis lfie and sma eiwht allpeoel.heal us dleiver us show us the path we shudl go and forc eus intot at path. bwe needoyur love care attaniton Lord an ddlieverus formalleivl. iplead your mercy and please giv eme wsidom helamy grandma dsether free and allpeoel freeformincurabel disease forgiv oeur issn herlp us repent guide us bí the pwer of oyur hOly spisirt . Pleae please giv em peac eiwhtmy gae. resotre fmaiyl oyuthlike eagly helphela my mosm teeth provide her excelnen tnurttion giv eher storn gdesire to eathe right food andonly the soe food san dmy dad and allof us and provide us wiht the wxct foord tht hekpw iht helaign bes sus and keep us in your will oNLY inal we do sa ythingdont le tus sloip and if wedo get us outof pit and direxot our steps. pelas ermov ethe deivl, forgiv oeur sisn and hae merc yipray for ofr lalmy fmaiyl hela us and giv eus compelet dleiveranc eall eltives allsid eof fmaily form dleiveranc eofrm all satanic capitivity gernertaion suces giv eus akl soudn mind alepoel. No mroe phbias fear bodnage ti satsn lifes. you knwa what i ena hela help dleiver forgiv eus an di pelad you holy blodo onallfelsh set us freeform diabets cancrlyme diseas eidabetes uinsiupuds demntia alzahimers emiotnal and neurlogivcla deveklopmentla disoerds make us why oyu want us to be have merc yand may oyu Will eb doen may you be glorified may wehave abudnandt life htough Chris tour Lord, sav eus sma ewiht my hubyb, giv eus all merryheart heaht in every way. please end corna viurs plaguesal plagues help us repnt help us seek andifnd oyu and prepare fo rouy osmsing please safe happy belsse dmost denvinge belesed miralc eneohew bets of everyhitgninhsi lfie bles sbed by chirst andhis parents and fmiay ine evry way. pleas eigiv ehimt he name YOu wnat himtp have Lor dno matter what and th elife oyu want him ot have also neice ad all fmaiyl. mayke us an exampleofoyur goodness and mercy and heoign. help us tp follo oyuonly. ipelase and giv eouyt hanky oua dn prais eof royur hep fprgiv em of my bad behaviour guid em conceningth toloszék my grandm paenrt show i cna help them and vic every guid veus wisodm udnwrstad heart what YOUR WIll is inteniton . see oyu andknowoyu the real ioyu i prayoyu dleiverus form alltormentign evil spsiirts everyon by th epower of the Lor dJeu sChirst. renew the spirit of my mind in every way. dlieve rmy fmaily form alleivl stuborn spirits thta should not be inour lives accoridng to oyur Willforevr by the sacfirice an dpower ofour Lorf Jeus Christ our LordíAnd Saivor intercessor.y provide food clothign cselte rhelpme hear fdorm my da di cast out allevil spirits hidnerign me formheairgnf ormhim and hidnerign us form ebign healed by the Lord's stripes ware heale.d guid eus into alruth andmay wbelvie only the uth ipray htis for alpeoe. in the anem of the Lord Jeus Chirs.t please belss allw ho pray of rus wiht the aBUDNANT LIFE cHRIST HA FOR THEMFORVER. SSLAVIOTN US ALL MAY THE GOSPEL OF ORU lORD jEUS cHIRST BE PPRECEHE DEVERYWHERE. DLEIVER b FORM WITCHCRAFT AND ME TOO. PELASE DLIEVER MY HUBBYFRMT HE lORD OFMRALEIVL. HEAL bS TEEHT MOMSBRITHER DADS MIRACLE SIN OUR MOTHS INOUR LIVES PRIASE AND BLESSE DBE THE NAME OF THE lORDOF RONLY h EIS GOOD.THANKY OU lOR DPELAS PELAS EGUIDE ME INTO ALL TURHT IS THAT FOR gRABDé HOW DO I CARE IFRHER HELP AND MY MOM TOO HELP HER BESLSHER HELAHE RBAKCHEAL HER BRIAN MIDN EMITONTINS WILL STRNGHTNE AND HELA MY PAENT SINE EVRY WAY. MOST JOYFUL EHARTS THEY HEVER HAD DEIVNE OPPORUNITIE SMIRACLE ISN THEI RBLIVES BLESS HTEM LIKE NEEVR BEFORE AND LAOS MY BROHE HRIS WQIFE CHILDRNE MY HUSBAND AND MY BGRNAMD AUNCLE ANDLAL WHO WORK AT HE FAICITLIY HELA HTEM ALL HELP THME GIV BEST CAR EFOR v HELAIGN FOR bS HEART AND ÉRELMEMSZEDÉS. HELA ING WHOLENES MERR YHEARTBEST DA YO OF HIS FIEDEIVNE ITNERVENTION MRIACLE DIRECITON PORSPERITY WEALTH LITTERY EVEN AS ACORIDNFGOT POYU RWILL OUT OF SATANIC ODNAGE TOTLAY FREEIN cHIRST ABUDNANT LIF EFOLWOIGJ cHUIRTS WE NED OYU lORD THE YWILL BE DOEN THY KINGDOM COME. HELA ALL WHO NEED HELAIGN NEW ORGANS LIMBS TEEHT HELAIGN OF DAD SBONE SMUSCLE SHEART MEOTIOSN HAPPY MERYHEAR HELAHT LOVELY BES EMITONS HELAIGN OF BIPOLAR DISSDER FOR WHEOVER HASIT INCLUIGN ME INTHENAMEOF THE OR DjUES chIR.THELAIGN I PLEAD TH EBLODO OFcHRIS TON MY DADS HEART BRIAN EMOTIONAS BOEN SHEALHTY STROGN CONFIDENT HAPPYB JOYFUL HOPEFUL MIRALC ELANDafter many many year sand not so succeful attemps i found a wheelchair for my grandma. pleas epray i can succefully go outside eaisly wiht her and her ehalhtimprovces both of us ned healign of kidney disease diabetes type one flehs eaitng bacteira . pleas epray amiracle happens and we are free of this flehs eatign bacteira . need helaign also pra yi do not make stupid decisions. Lor dif this is not a good thign pelase dotn ket me buy anyhtign and wast emoney agian. im sorry of rmy sisn. sorry for doign this on sabbath. pela shela mymoms brian emotioanl developmene helal all onthis site heal those with evry serious illness healmy grandma of dmentia blood sugar bood pressure thank youfor improvements thnak you. PLEas eforgiveme for makign calls on sabbatgh. pleas eprotec tmy da docmign and goign hela his heart emotions and truam form childrhood healmy moms neurlogival devemlmenet plas ehal all teeth strep relate dillnes flesh eaitng bacateira those dmeosn leave ourlives forver and dotn come bakc int henamoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirs.t ipray for B totla hela feedom form all addicitons ot cogarette alchahul and ungodly souls tirs.f ree him ehla hima dn may he be wht emay oyu want himt o be. Lor dif you wan tus tobe husband and iwf emake it clear crsytla clear yes or no. haivng a hard time. dotnelt he deivl decieve me. pleas ejoin me wiht my one flehshsuabdn pelas no deception formthe deivl i achknoweldge oyu.Lor dhelp my dad wiht his land plots giv ehimsuper clear direction on what to sell who ot sell it too. protec thimf rom scams liars. giv ehim extra supernaturla strnght wisodm ehalign protecton aND DLIEVERNCE TOTAL FREEDOM FORMT HE DEVIL MENTALL EMOTIONALLY PHYSCIALLY . MAY HE BE HEALE DOF ABUSE FORM HIS CHILDHOOD MAY THE HANDOF gOD BE STRONG INHIS LIFE MAY THE lORD USE HIM GRETALY FOR his GLROY. BRIGN HELAIGN WHOLENESS OT HIS MENTLA PHYSCUIAL AND EMOTIONAL STATE HEAL HIS HEART VALVE HEAL LIFELIFE RESOTRE HIM EMOITNALLY GIV EHIMT HEMNIDN OF CHRIST SOUDN MIND WILLAND EMOTIONS MAY HE NOT BE FOODL EB THE ENEMY MAY HE FEEL THE LV EOF cHRITS AND LVOE FORMHISF MAIYL INCLUING MY MOM MAY HE HAVE WISDOM CONCENIRNGHIS FMAIYL AND MAY oyU lORD BE HIS HEAD AND ALLMEN TOO ANDGUUDE THEM WHIOYUR HOLY SPIIRT WOMEN TO . GUID EUJS INTO LAL TRUH ANDBRIGN US THE HEALIGN WE ALL NEED OT SEREVYOU lOR DTURLYKNWO OYU. lORD PLEASE KEEP ME INYOUR wiLL. I NEED YOU TO GUID EME . IF THAT WHEELCHAIR IS NOT GOOD FOR GRANDÉ. I ACHKNOWELDGE OYU DO ALLIYNOUR POWER SO WE ODNT WATS EMOENY ITME OR GE TINTO DEIVLS TRAP. YOU KNOW MY INTENITONS ARE GOOD. PLEAS EKEEPME AND MYUBBY MY PARNT SMY BROTHE RISTE IRNLAW NEICE NEPHEW IN OYUR WILLA T ALLTIMES. PELASE SUROUN MY MDAD CONSTANTLY WIHT OYUR HOYL ANGELS.