Prayer Warrior
As of last week, I submitted a few prayer requests for my mother after she found out that she had a cyst on one of her ovaries. Then the same CT Scan found she also had cyst on her liver. The medical tests found that the cyst on her ovary was is very, very small and that she would not need surgery to have it removed for another year. Then, as of today, she heard back with the results of the cyst on her liver and found out it is nothing serious and its also very small. So nothing needs to be done. Praise the Lord! But with these results, they also found another little cyst on one of her kidneys that is very small and nothing to worry about. I want to thank everyone here for taking the time in praying for her health and complete healing in the name of Jesus! Please continue to pray that these cysts completely disappear by the healing hand and power of Jesus! Praise the Lord that these things were not serious and life threatening. All thanks be to Christ and to God our father, forever more!