Beloved of All
BIG Praise report!: as i ws praiyng and the Lord shifted my teeth and jaw in proper position. Prais eto the lor dJesus Chriust!!! He is or Great pHysician! Praise to you Lord to our Lord and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. the true God and eternal lfie. He came to give us life and life in abundanc.e Lord teach us oyur ways and help us foolwo full fiaht i pray htis for al on this site. pelase dleiver lal peopel form all evil Lord . dleiver especialy those battling from intruvie thoguhts ocd mentla illness. . may the ynever have such htoughts that is not you will Lord. dleive rme form intusiv ehtought slOrd. agian int henamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ by HIs power by HIs blood all htoguth sbow to the Lord Jesus Christ Christ. all thoguths actions itnention motivation wil bow to the lord Jeus Christ. ipray htis for lal peopel tody and always all words too. int henameo fthre Lord Jeus Christ. Lord destory the works fo the deivl in all peopels lives for the prais eand glory of you Savior Lord. God almighty Lord Jeus Chris tprepar eus all for oyur cmonign. may al beliv ein you and follwo you faithfully. int henameof the Lord Jeus Christ. in word and deed. Dleiver all reltionships form hatred jeolousy greed selfishness evil intentions and imgination. please make all relatiosnhips holy holy love holy intention motivaitons. Pleas ehlp B wiht the roof. send a holy angel who cnahelp whim iwht the roof Lord send triilions of holy angle sthat cna help him get he materials build also get he times and giv ehimthe nergymotivaiton joy and stregnth soudn mind willignness and may the roof be very mirauclouls helaign process of rhim as well someohoe wmake it soem of thebest expeirceof his life. help him to be sober Lor idn thgouthsmind and no smokign or alchohaul set free truly formlal thigns that oculd harm hi m. dleiver his life form all eivld oers form witshcraft from undgoly osuld ties and relaitosnhips. if he is my husband may we both knwo for sure Lord. pelas ehelp me know. pleas eprovid eof rlal him needs giv ehima emrr yheart andheliang in his feeht. help him to relaie that smokign and alchhaul ar enot godod for hiam dn may he esily nolonger have a desir eto smoek or dirnk againby the powe rof oyur hOly spirit Lord. help him inhis job in his finances inhis health adnbody mind flehs giv ehim widom concenring me adn my fmialy his relaitonships. dleiver him form fithy ocmmunciaitn. pleas bels shim abdnanyla nd may he be bron agian inyot oyur hevenl Giv eus l sslo love fo roen anoth rlord as oyu would want naturla ffection lovign one another as you owuld like. Lor din thenameo fth Lord Jeus Christ. dleiver themformt he devils lies Lord. may we take capture everyhtought in submisionto oyu Lord. int henameof the Lord complete deliverance from all suicidal thoughts in the name o fthe Lord Jesus Christ destroy the works fo the deivl in our lives and release all peopel form hopelessness. For oyu are the God of Hope!! truly i testify!!! YOu have save dmy life and heale dme so many itmes. comepltely dleiver all who ar ein bodage to stans lies releas eus form the devils power expose the lies of he devil and may all know you came to giv eus life an dlif ein abundance!! YOu are the lIfe thnak you Lord. All glory and honour goes ot oyu help us to find you! help us to seek oyu . to desir eoyu above all. thnak you Lord.pleas epra ymy mom is delivere dof asperger snydroem depression suicidal thoguhts if she has and hopeless htoughts worry anxety Lord free her ipelaad you Holy blod release her form all of Satan. I pelasd your holy blod over her life soul mind emotions. Hoioly Spirit hela her teeth angkle heart. dleive rhr form all addicitons. help her have fiaht in you and bles sher finanaciall physicall emotionally neurlogically. hela her emotinally heal her form trauma. and heal our relationship. help us ot truly enjoy one anothe ran dlove one anothe rno communicaiotn disorde. rhel p us care for your home GrandΓ©. hela GrandΓ© for oyu rglory give her your slavaitona nd my moma dn dad oto and brother. hela my brother dleiver himf rom dehydraiotn issues send holy angel to ministe rto HIm about His health soltuiosn ot histmiane intolerace Being oyu Lord. heal HIm Lor dheal all metbolic isse sin our fmaily.delive rme form type 1 diabetes emtabolic acidosis. dlepreeiosn bitternes.s pethnak you for oyur providsion thank you so mcu bless th water and food oyur provid eus thnak you somcuhf or your providion. bles osur hoem. dleive rour hoem form peasts and from unclean spirits and i fr all my fmialy homes. pelas eprovid eus with the wdweelign plac euy want us tolive him the work you want us to do and help us keep oru eye sony ou and serivn gosyu at lal tiem s Lord please bels smy fmialy wiht oyur sttregnth and love Lord. streghten us wehre we are weak and dleive rus ofrm temptationiosn we are particulartly weka too. help us resis the devila nd od oyur Will always. i pray this fo rlal poeple. i pray ou protect lal marriages oyu ahve ordianed and join husband and wives in amrriage that YOu want joined. same of rme. please giv emy fmaiyl clena blood no toxisn heal our brians heart stmiana . giv emyfmaily merry hearts always delighitng in you Lord and the lives oyu giv eus. my we nver covet cause the lfie oyu give is hte best. pelase giv eus lif ena dlif ein abudnac eot lal poele. pelas ehal all wo arei n hosptils. may they reciace your miraculousl dleiveranc ehaling . tha tigrl who was ina ccident and la who are in accidnetreciave you healign. ehla those who have covid nd dleiver us form scoiv forever pelase end wa rin ukriane. pelase dleive rme form covid phobia. please do all inyur power ot protect my fmialy memebr form all stanic powers delive rus oocmpeltes form all unclena spirits sicknes and diseas edisspointment sadness anger unhelahty emotions or streelrelated disorders worry anxety leave my fmialy foerver int henameo fthe lord Jeu sChirst. help me to clena our hoem and give me incredibel wisodm on how ot use the resource souy giv eme Lor.d to glorify you. help help me to brush my hair Lor dmy teeht my hygeien to drink and eat please help me gian weight and,may my pancreas andkidneys work better than ever lease all my body parts form the devils grasps and relase my grandms brian hear t veins arterie eyes gums toungue teeth dnetla flehs fhands feet urinry tract lal her cells her mind will and emotions comeelte freedom in Christ heale dby HIs stries HIis Holy blod upon her. relase her form trapped gases bleaitng hear her muscle san dmuscle alinment hela all defomrites him and spinal position be perfect positon alwas hela her harnia heal her mood. lift her psirit may she reciave oyur mirauclouls heal liek neeer beforeint henameo fthe lord Jeus Chris to tothe prais ean dpower for His glory aloen. pelas ehal her Lor dna dher son . please braeth yourlif einto her and restore wha tht edeivl hs stolenf orm her healht. help em car for her. tell me how always. thnak you Lord in thenameo fthe Lor dJeu sChirs. tgid eme lor dlike enve rbefor emay i really rturlly hear form oyu today Lord ocncenring my lfie my husbnadnf ormt he Lord if oyu hav eone for me.. protec tmy fmialy form accidents form death from all evil form comparing oruself o other. help us run our race thnk you Lord in thnameo fhe lord Jeu sChirst. thanky ou Lord ofr lalyour benefits dialy. pelase make sure all epoel have the appropriate foods and nurtiron colothgin shelter tha tlal thei rneeds ar emen at and that tthe deivl stasyout of all live sforever int henameof the Lor dJeus Christ i pelased oyur hOly blod on this pray. everyhitng my lfie my mfialy my relaitonships my mind will emotiny mentla stys on my grandma her bed her life pelas eprovide the irhgt equipmet wheels wood and help to create aan excelelnt mobiel bed so i can tak ehe rout. pelas ehal her so she cna wlakon ehr own Lor dint henameo fthe lOr djue Christ so she cna move blink tlak walk on her won and have exceeltn digestion absorption that la lth enurtirents absorption works excleltn in eh rbowels an dbody tha tshe hets th eproper nutriton tha the rblod suagr levels bloo pressure and water fliud levels ar excelelnt in ehr body and her electrolyies too. giv ehe rcirculaiton elas elor dany oxygen to all her body i pray htof so for la peopel. i pray it wil be supe rfuna nd easy to take care of her the yway you wnat me to bels slal her food nrution water medicines. with oyur hand slord. pelase giver her new muscle san ddliever her form ,uscle atrophy and th ecaus ehterof. pelas eldiever hr form infeciotn form highblood suagr dehydraiton issue sstrenghtne and heal her heart hela al heart issue isn my fmialy. hela my brother sheart murmur hela mym oms heart my dads heart valve. hela oal lbroken hearts onthis planet lord and relase our hearts form the deivl . for that lad ayalso hela her hear tos hse doe sno t nee dpacemake for ouy rglor ylOr dna dby ourpowe rlor djue sChirst. pelas ehela B'heart by oyu heand sgrea tphysician . heal and giv elal my fmialy and all peopel merr yhearts. please end th ukriane war peacefulls. may those who are wnaitgn tot he war to no linger wnat ht ewwarma ythe ybe ocnvidcted that war is nto the answer let heir be a comprimiese and may thes peopel who want the wa rno longe rhave authority .end war pelas eLord everywhere pelas end pesitlemce and help us repent of whatevr causesd theyse thigns. pela sehlp the poor peopel the wodowls orphans pelas eprovide for lal thier needs and may the knwo you Lord that oyu are their Heavnely Ftather who carsfor htemlor dJue sChirs. tipra yof rthos ewho ar elonely lor dpelas eb wiht them .pelase provide htose oyu want to give spouses to that that can have hteirspose for oyu Lord and protect lal marrages form the deivl. in tanemof the Lord jue Chirs.t please reocnciel maariages by th ehpowe rof oyu rhly spiri. my grnamd ais helaed sh has been bedridden for years.Lor idm called ot help here. pelase hela me of type 1 diabetes. Please help me be strogn enought fo rhte caregiivne and pelas if yoa re iwllgin provid ean exceleltn mobie bed wheels equipment and wisodm to make a mobiel bed for my grandmy send me holy angel sto help me knwo how. also super dehydrate.d pelas eno gfighitng iwht my mom pelase let us nto be alway sin opposition. its frustratign no haivng a support but Lor deb my help. Pleas ehlp me. i prasie you and give you the glory. also i pray for all my fmaily memebrs.Lor dgiv ethem clear wisdom power directiond leiver them form alle vil. hela all my fmialy emotionally neurologically develpmentall.y pelas ehal vilike hela his brian heal my moms brian heal al communciation disoerder sin my fmaily please dleive rmym om form asperegers syndorme. pelas ehelp me help ehr. pelase help me Lor dnot to be so aloen. iask if oyu are willign do al iny our power to send me a my own husband who truly love sme dwells wihtme lives as one wiht me it is my dream Lord osmeoen who willlove me never elave me shows me the lov eof christ and can look me itn he eyes an dtlka and fell with me and vice verca. i pra you protect my husband form the devil .protec thimf orm strange woemn. tel him Im his helpmate creatd for HIm bels shim abudnandly. make us fidn wone another recognize oen anothe rlove at first sight speaeech sound. may we eb so bondend by Christ that all will know and hti siwll be Chirst glroy. Lord i achsknwoeldege oyu inthismake our path straigh to find oen another pleas eprovide me my own mate as the brids. Giv em inclredble love respect for hima nd may feel always very safe wiht him very loved cherishe prodtected needed. i want to feel needed loved at taken car eo fmyb my usband may hespend lots of tiem wiht me and neve rhurtme or make anyoen higher priotirty that me and our marriage for i am His bride may He giv ehis lfie to serivn the lord wiht me together. Lor dguid eme in all my relationships tel me what they need form me and how i may brign oyu glor.y pleas eno mroe abuse form anyoen no mroe sufferign. please make me my fmialy all your creation follwoers devoted to you Lord. giv em wisdom what baby Victoria needs. bles her and ehr parent sabndantly and eccdeedignly with finanical blessings excelelnt helaht. hela my brother teeth hela al depresison histmian eintolerance asperger sif eh has it neurlogically. may no one in my fmaily have mind blindess of alexythemia. may we be sensiteve to all peopel and pick up on emotions and th eneed sof others. Lor ddleiver me and my fmaiyl form alld ental decay ddetnal protblems alflehs eaitgn bactir. pelas ehal my drandm aemotinall pyhsically mentally spriitually. may she have a huge miracle in her mody dleiverance form all unclena spirits by your hands Lor dJeus Chirs.t i thnak you for her hel em care for her. Lor ddleiver em form anxiety. pelase sned trilliny of holy angels to help me. I thnak youprais eouy for oyu are wiht em. Lro dhelp em not to be jelus of toher peopel. help me to be happy for others becuase what ouy can do for others you can do for me. Lor diplease bels smy fmaily wiht oyur firgivenes soyu rmercy and dleiverance fo all curses generaitonal curses and bels soru eflesh our lvies so we may glorify you folow you for the resto of our lvies. Pleae abudnadtlay above and beyond belss my parents brother grandma my husband for God , B, his side of the fmialy al my neighbours al peopel all physicaioyn caregiver psarten peoprle in authortiy peorple who have authority belss them wit wisdom andlal peoel doo and bels sus with lvoe may lvoe abound in my home may peace abound in my home may trus titn he Lord and hint he Lord aboudn in my hope Lord Jeus Cirs ti ask in your name pleasding oyu Hoyl blood tha ti may know oyu the tur God and eternlalfie. tha ti may know who oyu mad eme to be in Chirst hat i will do oyur WIll and forsake my htoguths desires ove rmy lfie. ipray ou lead me out of all idolatry and may i find fillnes sof joy in you. i prayhtis for the man iw as made for as well and all relative on all sides their souses and children al dsides of the fmaily for Vilike .pelase use my famiyl to glorfy oyu. dake us out fo all sickness disease satnaic bongage. dleiver la poel form cancer, type 1 diabetes, type two diabetes, dental decay, tak eall peopel out of the bodnage f bitterness out of anger and sentment and sorrow. for you oh Lord ar eour life. thnak you so m much for helaign me. pelas ehal all ont heir site heath al peopels teeth jaws teeth gums, remove the spirit fo periodontsis disease form all flesh remove flehs eaitng bacteri cancer all demonic spirits be driven away form all flehs never to returnt my the power of oyur hands Gret Physician. may i proclaimt he gospel of the Lord Jeus Chirst to every creatur ei encounter your hOly spirit givign me direction. let me meb filled wihtYOur love to love others. help me to forgiv equickly and please cleanse me forgiv rme and dleiver me form all evil in thenameof the Lord Jeus chirst. pelas ehla my moms dentla flehs regrow gums tiiue real sharp teeth for her and my grandma too. pelase hela my grandm aof all skin conditions delive rhr form all demonic flehs eaitng bacteria. forgiv em for not cairng the best i ocud befor.e pelase giv em wisodm wha to feed he rhwo to clena her odnt let the deivl ge tin the way of my doig your wil. lro di need you to be wiht em reassure me constantl ymotivat eme enocurage me love me be affecitonate toward em . fledd me so i can feed others. please hal my dads heart valve and insulin instbaility may he be free form all sad ness from all cruhs spirit and lonliness. help him recgnize you were with him all along. pela sehal him emotionally an dme too. and my mom and all my fmaily. affirm my dad and show hIm your love and your ways and help him obey . giv ehim great faith in you Lord Jeus Chirst. turn his lfie aorund to be happier healthier blessed adn obedient to you Lord Jeus Chirst. thanky ou Lord. belss him help him and dleive rhimf orm all insecurites lonliness anger.. cmepltelsy fre himform al unclena spirits andhis sid eof the fmialy tooand all sid eof the fmaily too.Please be his shepherd and beocme truly real to him more real than anyoen and anyhting i pray hti for my mbrother my mom myself gGrandΓ©, B, my husband form the Lord, BΓ©, GΓ‘bor pelas eheal B form cardiovascual r issues and GΓ‘bors boens hands, please Lord tell me who my husband is loud and clear. help me patrietly waiton you ocntinuosly on thismatter Lord. please dleive rme form watign my won husband if it is not oyour will. pelase if B.. is my huabdn than bringus join us to be in HOly matrinomy dont elt us be separated.. Lord i dont knwo waht ot do wiht htis diseire this disspoitn mant that i dotn hav eme own husband... or do i . pelas etlel me what do i do. tell me wha to buy for my grandma what tobuy for victoria. and myomom dad. pelase send trillions of Holy angels to help us al do oyur will that slal people. bels htose who pray fo rme and my fmaily. pelase heal all peopels flehs. regrow teth gums boens bodyparts. let the kingdom of Heaven come upon al lpoepel. Lor dpelase dleive remf rom severe anxiety nd do the sme for lal peopel. deliver em form the feear of not beign loved and approved. help me ge tme y love and approval form aouy and rhelp em to repent of unrepented sin. i pray htis for lal peopel too. pelase regrow limbs body parts gums teeth tieeuse by the power of your hoyl spirit oru Lord Jeus Chirst heal liek oyu di d itn he bibel .hela us al. prepar eus for oyur ocmign sand help us to serve oyu only. pelase dliever eme form compatrign myslef iwht othrs.. help me inthis areas. pelase in thenameo fthe Lorhelp me to obeymy paretnsin all thigns. pelas ehlp meLor di nbeiyou its soo har.d help me submit myself utno oyu.. its so ahrd helpp. htnak you Lor dint henameof the lOr djue sChirs tname i pra.y pleas ealso protect me my husbadn form th LOr dofrm lal evil form adultery form the devil pleas egiv eus joyb th btrign oyu glory and brign us joyas well. please helamy husbandform the lor idn every way teeth gums bones dentla flesh ressure teeth. may he feel oyur presenc eprofoudnly. prayign for the salvaiton of all my fmaily meebry for B slavaion, for my husband for thlOrd's slavation. giv em and my husband form the lor dan dlal poepel a stadfast spirit worshipign oyu both in spirit and in truth. dleive reme form al my fear sLord and do the same for all people. thankyou Lord fo ryour helaign and forbeign ihtm. help em knwo your voice clearler today thna ever your tone your ways you. thnak you Lor di pray hti fo rlal peopel. may i hear onyl wht oyu want em to hear and see wha touy want me to see nd do what oyur WIll is only. dleiver me form all tempttions and ma yi onyl buy Victoria what she needs. pelas ehla my dad blood suagr iwehgt dehydraiton issues and dleiver himf ormt he root caus eof all healht issue giv ehim a forgivng spirit and release himf orm al toxic thoughtsthigns and curses witsch craft. pelase relsase my fmaily form all stanic powers form strongholyds form witshcraft by the power of oyur hOly blood Lord Jeus hirst. pelas erelase me fmaiyl from all dmeonic spirits that ar enot form your Lor dplease release my husband form the Lord form all evil form adultery strang eowmen temptaiotn slutign all lies expose to him . relase B form smokign and lachohula nd aall unhgodly habits. se hthim on a plain pasth. destroy thw roks of the deivl inhim life. hGivehim alwys thes treght to esit the deivl always and strange women may he only be wiht the wife oyu want him to be with itn hanemof the lor dJeus Christ accoridng ot oyur perfect WIll.
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