Disciple of Prayer
i recived healign in my teeth whiel in prayer. my reques tis that me and my grandma and hwoever too els eou the to be free form insulin resistacne diabetes flehs eatign bacteria. SKIN TAG need helaign urgently as it is blakc for my granmda. need mriacle healign of her skin tag Lord pleas ein the Γname of the Lord Jeus Christ heal her. please Lord heal my moms brian o asperger syndorme. pleas ehal my dads heart vavle srious oxygen healign needed fo rhis heart emoitons and and salvation in Chridst. B need helaign in brain and freeodm form smoking adn alchaul addiciton total healing adn restoration of his life and same wiht all poepel. brothe rneedign of asperger syndorm i think and alsso dehydraiton issue isn all fmaily mmers nee dhelain Lord pleas ehl pmy broher and his wife and htier kids free them fom sicknsnes and bing helaign wehre need be brign them to Christ. same with lal my fmaiyl and B too protrec us and dlieve rus form the dvil. come into our li ves an heal us Lor dpleas eheal my rgadnma slife heal her form edmentia. brign her your salvaiton adn dleiverance. please help with my phobia fee me.. please Lord Jesus Christ. also i aks for an earthly husband who will lvoe me liek Christ doe s and i love him liek i love Christ, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ name. kep us all safe, surroudn my dad wiht angels and provide for my fmaily healign livign waetr Lord and pelas giv eus peace wisdoma nd hope helign may You be glorified in our lives may we dirnk giv eu sliving wter and peqaece ful sleep helain for my grandma, heal my GrandΓ©