Beloved of All
Praise reoprt: thanky pu Lor dof rhelaign shifitng my teeht thank you my grandma said soem words thanky u for prayers. pelas eocntinue to rpay fo rmy family helaign and dlieveranc eofrm all eivl int henamoe fthe lord Jeus christAskign for prayers fo rmy dad so he is not homelss in the cold. pleas epray that the Lord be merciful do all in his power to prevent him form ebign homeles sint he cold. Lor dpleas edo a mriacle in his life today so he can stay at least longer softern landlords heart provid emrialc edo whatve rit takes Lor dto pelase mak esur emy dad is nto hoems in the cold. pelas eha l hsi heart valve heal his emotions heal his bones an dspinal fracture and insulin blood sugar blood pressur egout fungus issues.pelase heal his midn giv ehim soudn mind power an dlvoe sttrenthen and otuch where he rneeds healign.please help him doYOur WIll froce al peopel to do YOur Will whom He encounters today and always.pelas ehelp him fornd the irght paperwork eaiyl so he can get retirement.pelase do llinyourpower so he gets the right retirment plant best one wiht best benfits incuding accomodaiton.pelase giv ehim the proper nutrtion and send true Chirstians minsitering to HIma dn rangels .pelas ehal him for oyur glory and show him your salvation Lord Jeus chirst.i pelad you Hoyl blodo uponHIm i thank you fo rmy da dpelas eprotec this comign and goign estblich his thoughts and provide mriaculous accomodation so he is in not the ocld. pelas elOr dheal my mosm brian heal her heart and emotionally. please hela my grandma ofrm dmentia hela hier bakc her her form small bowel obstuction syndorme and pelas eha ym brother histamien iotleracne heal his dehydration issue spleas emake Victoria storng and helathy. pelase heal B. pelase hela and help my hubby form the lor dhwoever he is provid eof rhsi ened and protec tour marriage form all evil. please od all in yourpower to hela al ym fmaiyl memebr sprotec tus form evil and please do the same for V. please dleiver B form smokign and alchahualism and give himt he jo that glirifes you Lord. please help me care ofr my grandma please hep all homelss have hoem sand all sikc helae dan dla ina ccidnets be heled. please ofrigve my sins iwith oyur hOyl blod thank you for this day. thanyk you for my grndma helaign and progiress. oplease oyur hoyl blodo ipon al lepoel have emrc.y dlieve rme form coorna phobia pleas eplease take away vcoronoa virus al plagues and help all the elderly inhomes have best care evr. in thenamoe fhte lor djeu sChirs.t please giv ebhis fmaiyl and myine merr yhearty. and lal pwole too. pelas efee dhugnry clothe nakd and wash the who need watrer. pelas ehave emrcy Lord. do all iynourpower to do this.