Humble Servant of All
praise God. Urgent please pray for my grandma schneider Vilmosné. she is in the hospital. please pray God miraculously heals her of all diseases, especially her heart circulation blood prssure dementica and deformed body herbowels miraculously and protects her from all evil. she is very weak. please pleas epray. i odtn want to lose her. please pray for her. please without ceasing. please pray God delivers her and pretects her form evila t all times. at all times. and provides for all her needs. please pray they do not cut her rings off but a miracle happens that she can open her hands wiht ease all sweelign .. all unececcery fluid build up leaves her body properly. Lord Jesus Christ deliver her form all pain all dicomfort and heal everythign in her tha need healign asap miraculoulsy Please Lord by your stripes heal her compeltley. Please protect her form all evila nd all evil viruses and evil doers. please sen dangels to help her at all times. pelase Lord thank you for healign her by your stripes. thank you for dying to be her savior healer Lord and King. Please have emrc yon my sins and her sins and all our sins. cleanse her form all sins and holy spirit purge Schnieder Vilmosné from all evil with your Holy spirit and fire. may she feel your presence and love so strongly she knows its Your Holy Spirit. may all there sense this as well. please use my grandma for oyur purposes and glory. let your Will be doen concernign her. please touch her heart adn deliver her body form exccess pressur ein the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and permantley deliver her form excess pressrue and the root caus eof the high pressure. strengthen her veins and arterie. pelase odnt le ther have a panic attack or shock or anxiety. please make her calm adn realxed. please heal all her veins and arteries heart valves. supernaturall strengthen all her cells. give her a merry heart. give her compelte healign of the root cause of her blood pressure problems and do not all ow such blood pressure problems to return. please miraculously alighn her whole body in submission your stripes Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ do all that need to be doen to her to be whole in You Lord Jesus Christ and healthy Great PHysician Doctor. please be her Great Physician and heal all her health problems. give her a sound mind power and love and deliver her form all evil spirits and fear in the naem of the Lord Jesus Christ. give her peace that supasse sundestanding. please do all iny our power to help her Lord Jesus Christ . pleas ehav emercy. heal her please let nothign hinder this prayer of faiht. have mercy I please oyur Holy blood forgiv emy sins. please heal her brain and deliver her brain from all evil. touch and restore schneidr VilmosnéS entire body and give back to her what the enemy has stolen or taken away form her . please give her life and lfie abundanc.e please use her to save the hosptial. brign healign to all the sick there as well and dleiver all who are demon possesed there. please Lord Jesus Christ for Your Glory and by Your power. plese intervene right now in Grandés life. save her . let her truly know You Lord. please do allin your power to save her heal her of all illness and disease and body malfunction and make her whoel strong and healthy to the glor yof your name by Your stripesshe is healed. thank you Lord I plase her entire being in your stripes.d eliver her heart brian life out of the hands of the devil foreverin thename of the Lord Jesus Christ I oray please His HOly blood on her all the hospital and my fmaily and allont his wite. have mercy and heal all the sick with your Holy stripes and svae alls ousl with your Holy blood. help all christians .. hel all people save the lost send gospel to the whoel world. especialy itnhe hospitals... prisons help saevmy grandma and all th at the hospital llet the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be magnified there. brign here to the sick please save all suls. us emy grandma to save my souls. heal her please Lord Jesus Christ Lord thnak your have mercy. dol all in your power to save and heal Schneider Vilmonés life and soul out of tethe devils hadns and into oyur saving power Lord Jesus Christ. please do all iny our power to miraculously intervene in hr life and miraculously heal her bowels adn reaalign and strengthen her body miraculously. help her gain weight and please heal allcros syndrome deliver her form al obstructions in her bowels and from al pressure. give her excellent blood pressure an dcirculation and oxygen at all times. please hela and men her spinal column supernaturally. give her all that she needs for healign and bless her food, water medication all that she takes in a billion times by oyur stripes please Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. havemercy. Lord thank you . Have mercy do all iny our power to miraculously mend and heal all her body and brokennss all weaknes and diseaselORD THANK YOU. HAVE MERCY DO AL INY ORU POWER TO MIRACULOUSLY MEND AND HEAL ALL BROKENNESS ALL WEAKNESS ALL DISEASE IN sCHNEIDER vILMOSNÉ FOR YOUR PRSAIE AND gLROY. PLEASE GIVE HER A HEALTHY PROPERLY WORKIGN BODY NOW IN YOUR nAME lORD jESUS cHRIST FOR YOUR gLORY. PLEASE HEAL HER DELIVER HER FORMT HE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL HER ILLNESSES PERMANTLEY IN THE ANEM FOT HE lORD jESUS cHRIST. MAKE HER LIFE SUBMIT TO YOUR hOLY STRIPES HEALED IN YOUR hOLY STRIPES FOR YOUR gLORY BY YOUR POWER SAVE HER AND DLEIVER HER FORM ALL DESTRUCTION. PLEASE ELT NOTHIGN DEFILE HER OR ANYONE EVER AGAIN IN THENAME OF THE lORD jESUS cHRIST NAME
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