Praise God for what He has done for me!!
I have a lot to Praise God for. He has Blessed me more than words can express. I cant even begin to count all the things that God has Bless me with. God's Word says that we are over comers by the words of our testimonies and the blood of the Lamb(JESUS). He has taken away the pain of Arthritis in my feet and legs. I don't need the steroid injections in my knees to eliminate the pain. God has bless me in that I now can control my Blood sugars. I still take insulin shots but I can control it with Gods help and it does not control me.
I praise God every morning when I awake. I thank Him for allowing me to still be here and able to praise Him. Its the little things like that, I cant thank Him enough for His Blessings. We need to Thank and Praise every hour of the day for what He has done for us.
When I first came to know Jesus as my personal Savior, it was will I was in the Navy in of all places Norfolk, VA. It was in August of 1964. A young man invited me to a rec center for servicemen. After a few games of ping pong, He began to witness to me. He asked me if I would like to Pray with him. We went into a prayer closet and got down on our knees. It was then that I gave my heart to the Lord. We had Bible study at nights and went with them to a local church together. Back in January of that same year I had injured my Knee in an Auto accident which required surgery. After re cooperation I was transfer to Norfolk to wait orders. I fell on board the ship and injured my knee. Because of my not being fit to serve in the Navy I was discharged home in Oct of that year. As a young man I thought that God Had allowed me to be sent home.
I still remained faithful to God for several years. I met and married a young woman who was Catholic. Needless to say my relationship with my Lord took a backseat to her faith. After 9 years of misery in a bad relationship and a bad divorce I hit rock bottom. It was at my lowest point that I came back to my first love(JESUS). I had to become like the Prodigal Son. I had to come crawling back to Him with the help of some beautiful Born Again Spirit Filled Christians. That was in 1975.
I want to say that the ups and downs of this walk with Jesus has been a Glorious one. God has allowed me to go through some trying times but it has been worth it all. Each time you go through a trying time, if you don't learn the lesson of you will have to go through it again. When you learn the lesson that God wants you to Learn, then you can now I see what He is teaching me.
I just want to Thank and Praise God for all the things He has done for me. I pray that God will encourage everyone here to write their testimony. God Bless you all!!
I have a lot to Praise God for. He has Blessed me more than words can express. I cant even begin to count all the things that God has Bless me with. God's Word says that we are over comers by the words of our testimonies and the blood of the Lamb(JESUS). He has taken away the pain of Arthritis in my feet and legs. I don't need the steroid injections in my knees to eliminate the pain. God has bless me in that I now can control my Blood sugars. I still take insulin shots but I can control it with Gods help and it does not control me.
I praise God every morning when I awake. I thank Him for allowing me to still be here and able to praise Him. Its the little things like that, I cant thank Him enough for His Blessings. We need to Thank and Praise every hour of the day for what He has done for us.
When I first came to know Jesus as my personal Savior, it was will I was in the Navy in of all places Norfolk, VA. It was in August of 1964. A young man invited me to a rec center for servicemen. After a few games of ping pong, He began to witness to me. He asked me if I would like to Pray with him. We went into a prayer closet and got down on our knees. It was then that I gave my heart to the Lord. We had Bible study at nights and went with them to a local church together. Back in January of that same year I had injured my Knee in an Auto accident which required surgery. After re cooperation I was transfer to Norfolk to wait orders. I fell on board the ship and injured my knee. Because of my not being fit to serve in the Navy I was discharged home in Oct of that year. As a young man I thought that God Had allowed me to be sent home.
I still remained faithful to God for several years. I met and married a young woman who was Catholic. Needless to say my relationship with my Lord took a backseat to her faith. After 9 years of misery in a bad relationship and a bad divorce I hit rock bottom. It was at my lowest point that I came back to my first love(JESUS). I had to become like the Prodigal Son. I had to come crawling back to Him with the help of some beautiful Born Again Spirit Filled Christians. That was in 1975.
I want to say that the ups and downs of this walk with Jesus has been a Glorious one. God has allowed me to go through some trying times but it has been worth it all. Each time you go through a trying time, if you don't learn the lesson of you will have to go through it again. When you learn the lesson that God wants you to Learn, then you can now I see what He is teaching me.
I just want to Thank and Praise God for all the things He has done for me. I pray that God will encourage everyone here to write their testimony. God Bless you all!!