I want to speak this afternoon on the subject of “Holy Dancing,” or as is more familiar to my community, “Shouting.” I not only love to shout, my spirit is even infused by simply speaking about shouting. Whew!!! Thank You LORD.
Dancing or shouting is most often related to the story of king David. But, king David was, by far, not the only one who worshipped God in dance. Miriam and the maidens took hold of the timbrels in the old testament and danced to the glory of God. But, my favorite praise break was offered up in the new testament:
And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:41 (NKJV)
John’s shouting was reported in the full spectrum of praise which is offered up in “Spirit and in Truth.” Not only did the baby John leap in his mother’s womb, but as is recorded, because Mary was carrying Jesus, The Holy One, Elizabeth was also filled with the Holy Spirit: Or again, as it is translated in my community, she, “caught the Holy Ghost.”
Wow, by simply having a spirit of belief, in the midst of a carrier, Elizabethwad FILLED. Moreover, because she herself believed, she was able to encourage and reinforce Mary’s spirit of belief all the more. IT’S ALL ABOUT WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. That is not say that because you believe, you won’t have to go through some trial to bring forth. As Mary herself endured in having to bring forth our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, outside, in a stable, among animals. That didn’t necessarily look like a situation worthy of praise. But, even today women must go through the tribulation of birthing pangs to bring forth the most beautiful gift of womanhood, which also involves a process of waiting.
1.She must first “wait” until she is of childbearing age.
2.Then there is the act of impregnating, which sometimes require more than one occurrence.
3.Again, she must wait the nine-month period of gestation.
4.Then finally we get to the day of birth. Usually the most painful part comes right before manifestation.
God knows the reason for His instructions. Even when He calls for a city or nation to wait. He knows the reason, and that should be good enough for man, because like His timing is, His instruction is also perfect.
Though we must wait on God’s timing, in the meantime we can choose to either stomp around trying to force time to pass quicker or we can use our waiting period to simply give Him praise for that which He oftentimes requires us to wait.
Just think about it, even a fetus had enough spiritual sense to give God a shout when in the midst of Holiness. What a beautiful picture of “praise break” from John - The Baptist, the one whom Jesus called the greatest of Prophets.
As long as it is pleasing to God, I do believe I’ll keep right on shouting. Or as king David said:
“And I will be even more undignified than this.” 2 Samuel 6:22a (NKJV)
To all the cities that have simply believed . . .
"Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20b (NKJV)
Thank you.
But more than anything, Thank You LORD for your perfect instructions that are available to all who seek them out.
Have a glorious day