Faithful Servant
I’m so grateful for all that God has done for me. Even when I made mistakes, he didn’t punish or leave me. He heals my hands and brought me out of so many disasters. I’m grateful that God removed the toxic people from my life and made me realize my worth. I’m grateful that he avenged me and restored all that I had lost. I’m absolutely grateful that God gave me a loving husband and this beautiful pregnancy. I’m thankful that by the blood of Jesus he healed all my wounds. I’m overwhelmed by God’s goodness in my life. He truly cares for all of our desires. I’m thankful that my parents and siblings are doing well and there is harmony and love. I’m thankful that the blood of Jesus protects us and cleanses our hearts. I’m thankful that I’m a daughter of the one true living God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you all for praying for me and my family. God bless you.