Beloved of All
prais ereport. thnak oyu Lord for giving me helaign on my teeth an djaw alignemnt and helaing. thnak you al for your prayers. pelas epra ymy randma is miracoulsy heale dand restored t helath.pelas epra yno heart attack for her no bowel sobsturciotns for her pleas epray she is heale dof al msmall bowel obstrucitons has miraucouls yhelae dbowels intestines heart and tha ther bod yis no longer deforemd pleas pray the ord iv es me wisdom and stregnth to care for her in the appropriate way please pray my grandma has exceelnt oxygen blodo floow and absoleutely no obstruciotn blackages whatso ever today and her digestionignon all bowels fit properly all muscles ar einperfec tpostion for protper bowel movelemtns that everyhtigns goes into proper position that she has ecelelnt vasoldilation that he rnerves ar ehealed he rbod yis healed and the Lor ddleive rher form all infecitons form dementia dform weakness dicomfort an dpan by the power of hiHis holy spirit and tha ther blood pressure does not go high pelas pray agiasnt la heart attack pleas Lor dheal al issues forgiv em ysisn as pelase positions her bowels mucles aorudn ehr bowels nd also he rspinal coloulm pelas ehal heal her hims please resseriut new muscle sneves brian cells heal her of demenita hela her of all atrophy please give her helaign to al wounds and scar dpleas eotuhc he reyes heal her of all high blod suagr issues and nerulogical issues pelase restore wha thave been deleted in ehr brian isft ha ti sthe case please strenghten and send trillion holy angel sot ministe rto her please give me the faiht desire sttrength and ebergy power to properly care for her the way oyu want pleas also help me help my mothe irnt he way that oyu want. pleas eodnt le tme get get distracted by my own selfish desires pelas eno fighitng in my fmaily pelase take awa yla unworhtiness an dinsecurities when it coems to wrok. please help me clena up after myself giv em the energy motivaiton and sttrenght. pelas ehlp me od siapers. pelas eprovide for la the need so fmy fmialy. pelas ehal my mother heart all metbaoliss and neurlogical and developmentla delays in my fmaily pleas ehal my uncle in every way. pelas ehal al type 1 diabete sissue stha ti have pelas erestor emy body accoridng t oyur WIll and by OYu Holy stripes lOr dJeus Chris tplease dleiver my grandmas body mind soul veins arteries bloodglow oxygen her limby boens nerves bowels intestines hips spinal comulumb toungue all ehr brian kidneys liver all her skin all organs and organ function dleivered formt he devil int he namoe fthe the Lord and Saivor the lord Je sChirst for YOur glro yna dby OYur power LOrd for ther is no savioiour besides You please hela my grandmas movements mobility and forever dleive rher and my fmaily formall gentic curse sillnesses dems in every way possible int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst to HIm be the Glory King of KIngs Lord of Lords. Lord help em to take car eof what oyu entrusted me with and el tme knwo what those thigns are clearly. pelase dleive rme form asperger syndorm dorm when it comes o oyu and this plac.e Lor dyou knwo how i am uncomfortbale ai am livign in this place i know oyu hvae calle dme her i belvie .pelas el tme knwo wha tiisi exactl you want me to do like Jonah nknew. i ask that oyu dleiver em form all confusion and also my own desires. may my desire be what oyu desire Lord an di pray htif for lal peole. pelas hela my dads hear tvalve and pelase heal him form osteoporsis crushed spirit and the root caus etherrof pelas give al my fmaily and my husband form YOu Lor dmerr yhearts and also sttenght and the power an dability to do your WIll. please lead us ourtof temptaiton and dleiver form lal evill. i pray our Fathe rove rmy self and fmaily. and all peopel. Pleas eprotec tlalpeooel all creature form accidnt calamities and also ofrmt he eivl. pelas eprotec tlal marriages ofrm the devil and keep the marriage bed holy for lal poel,. pelase restor emarriages oyu want restroed including my parent sparriage if you are willign Lord. pleas ehla my mom and othe rfmial ymmebr sof asperger syndorm autism or or all neurlogivcal accoridng to oyur WIll. help me to love and accept the peopel for who they ar eand dleive rem form haivng expecations form anyone. hlp me to love as oyu want Lord. please help me to resedn the stuff oyuw ant me to resend and keep the stuff oyu want me to keep. Please provi em a churhc you want em to go to and have fellowship with outher blivers accoridng to your will. teach me to do YOu r Will Lord and not compare myself to anyon help em to run my own race an id pray htois for al peole help me to follow you Lord Jeus Chirst. show me and all peoel what tha tlooks life. Lord teahcme soudn doctrine and dleive rme form itchign ears and do the same for lal epole. Help to axult oyu Lord. pleas egiv em ygrandma exclelnt pule bowel movemnts with no obstrucitons no high blood pressur eno heart attakc help her to peep poop dleiver her ofrm trapped gases super easily. peas egiv em and my mom wisdom on how ot interact communicatr wiht one another and please giv eus much joy serving YOu. Lor dgiv em sedire to speka hunagarian .. you knwo aht i mean.. help me not want to be where im nto supposed ot be in my heart my ind strenght in everyway help me to be present and serivng YOu at all tiems wilignigly eaglery joyfully. please giv eall physicians caregiver offciers thos ein authority great wisdom. pelase also if oyu have a husband for oymoe join s Lord by YOUR HOLY spirit ONly clearl yloudly forcefully if need be please giv eus hearts that desire OYu Lord and one another as husband and wife. pelas edevinely protect our marriag eguid eus and make us equally yoked christians that exalt oyu. If my husband if my husband is nt a born agian Christian fllowin Gods cmmand sonyl make HIm so and forc eHimt o folow oyur comamnds and same wiht me.. Help us discern your voice and help us tolove oyu Lor diwht all oyur heart and truy lov eone another as husband and wife as adam and eve befre the flal at tiems. may we onyl do good to one anothe rmay nothign devide us or separat ewhat oyu have joine dot gther constantly be in communciation between me and my husbadn and please join us ot be one flehs at the appointed time. Lor dif :::: is my huabdn confirm this to me. Pleas eprovid emy husband highest wisodm form you Lord and the power to act ont hat wisodm with full surrender and obedience t YOu Lord. may He always please you Lord but also always love me as HIs wife clearly and evident to me. MAy we be devote dot servign God sid eby sisde and glrofyign HIm in spirit and truth.pelase dleiver me and my husband frm all evil all strang emen and woemn form all idols . may adultery nevr even cros sourminds may we be trusitn gGod fully for what He joined let no man put asunder. Pleas emay we be so intuned wiht each other shtoghts feelign and motives via Holy spirit and may we only do good to eachother.may the Lor dprovide us with a very strgn Bond devine bodn understnaign love and proteciton for one another may he guide us iwht HIs Holy spirit. MAy the Lor dprotect my husband form strange woemn ungdly habits and peopel dleive rmy husband form alle ivl may the Lor dprotec tHis heart and mien at la tiems and guard our lip. may my husband be heale idn every way and may the Lor dbles shIm wiht excelelnt strogn body health and humility and humble and gentle nature . iask that the Lord will iv ehim a gentle demenaer towards me freidnly always affecitonate and iask tha tHe be so in lov eiwht me and me wiht HIm and that always a joy to eb togther. MAy the lor dprovide us a dwellign place safe and godly hoem may he teahc me how to keep the home and lov em yhusband and hwo to take cr for my self and fmaily. Lor dpleas eprovide for my emotinal physicla mentla adn spirutal needs teahc me YOUR way sLord. and same iwht my husbadn and i pray htis fo rla peole. I ask you pelas ehall al poepel who nee dhelaign in their heart smidn emotions physicall ymanteally ine very way. i aks the lOr dot bels smy mom wiht a merr yheart and dlievancd form all sorrow and bitterness and al negativity. i aks the lOr dot bless my mom wiht wisodm and helaign wher eshe needs helaign . ipray the Lord set sher free form all demons and illness and give sher abundant lif for His prais eand Glory i pelase the Lord Jesus Christ thOly blood upon her. i pleade the Lord Jesus Christ Holy blood upon my husband and hientire life souls min acitosn htoguhts phone relaitonshisps. Lor dprotec thimform strange woeman dand dleiver him form all temptaitons always lead him not itno temptations and dleive rhim form smoking alchchaul if he needs dleiverance . giv em yhusband wisdom and may he ecognize me loud and clear as HIS RIB His own flehs and bone form God to be HIs helpmate. and ma yi recognize my husband as my flehs and boen form God to be my husband itn henameof the LOr djeu sChirst al by the power of the HOly spirit. let no insecurty or any dmeon or misunderstanidng miscommunciation or gender differanc eocme between our love for one another. may i always see my husband like i see Christ and may He see me as Chris henameo fthe lor djue sChirst. guid eus to full truth ocncenring intimacy marriage sex offspring may our joby s our fmaileis help us ot walk in truth knwoign truth and not misled by the deivl in any area of oru lives. hela restre redeem my husband and may OYu have lal the glory Lord . pela shelp HIm at His work giv ehim a mery hear lot sof energy strgnth and may he always love an dprotect me and eb very connected to me emotionally a well Lord i als ask for emotional conenction wiht my mom if oyu are wilign Lor dhelp us to be truly friends and ehlp us to help my grandma. Lor dpleas edo al iny our power to heal restore and reocncie my fmialy my husbandana dn his dide of fmaily to oyu Lord. Lor dhela also B help him do the roof send trilliosn fo holy angels ot help him fotht eroof giv ehim skil ocnfivdence power wisdom willignness and eagerness to do the roof if this is your Will. pelas eprotect him hime dleiver himf orm all ungodly soul ties addiciotns smokign and alhhauslism . may he recgonize the deivls traps always and may he be strenged by th epower of the hoyl spriits. set Himf oree form all lies of te deivl and may he be and exclelent provider and protecetor to me alway sno matte rwhat may He do wha tGod wants HIm to do. please go befr eu s and make our path straigh tlOrd i pray htis for lal people. Lord pleas eathnak you for my husabdn tell HIm i love himal the time may He sse me as the most atractive stuuning woman after Gods hear and may my husbnand formt he lor dbe head ove rheels in love iwht me deeply and may this who w on his face experessions. may we have the ebst ocmmucnaition ever adn thnak you Lord. pleas egiv em yhusband the work You want hIm to do and please guide HIm how to work and iv eHImt he wisodm and power and willingness to work fr OYu Lord. belss HIm wiht abudnand life and teahc hIm your ways Lord and baout me.. whever my husbadn is prepar eus for one another and pelas eldieve rus form all thigns prevenitn us form bign one. prepar eme to eb the wife my husbadn needs and prepar emy husabdn to be the husbadn i need. also pleas elet thier be true love between us not like osme kind of obligaiotn but great desire to be One as well Lor dhtnka oyu Lor dint henameof the Lor dJeus Chirst send older Godly men if oyu are willign to teach my husband as accoridng to the bIbel, however my my husband only hearken to YOur councsel your voice . may He hear OYur voic louder tha tHIs own thoguths and same iwht me and for la epoel as well. pleas edevinely protect all marriagef orm adultery and form ungdoliness and idolatry. please strngthen protc theal andmake my brothers marriag to HIs wife strogner than ever and hela my brothe ran dhis wife form all illness nd misunderstnaing. pleas ehal my brother of histmiane inotlerance and all illness pelas erestor ehis teeht giums mouth boens. pelas ealso hela Bs teeht my moms teeth her nbone sgums. resurect new sharp teeht in my fmialy and in B and giv eus the hope f Chirs tlal thorught out the da.y i pray for miraoculs helaign for B and may His really partner wiht the lor idn every area of HIs life i pray htis fo rme too and all people. also pleas eoprovide me with the best clenaing supplies fodos for my grandm and fmaily appropriat enutriton for al my fmaily and for lalpeoel. pelas eldiever lal peoel form type 1 diabetes strep flehs eaitng bacteria anxiety depression crushe dspirit hopelessness suidcidal thguths hear tproblems dleivernc eform all dmeonic storngholy. pelas ehal resture and ressurect teeht gums boens organs klimby and ressurec the dea dvia the holy spirit. please rbign all peole bkc ot life lord where they need a ressureciton. Our hop is in you Lord. forgiv eus for forgiv em for not ssekign You teahc me and all peoel how ot seek you dleiver and us form all evil and hlp us to depart form evil repent of al sisn and hela our backsliidng . may we have clea rinstruciotn form you Lord an dhelp us ot trust YOu word and interprect and escipher oyur voice all the itme. pelase also refresh us send trillions of holy angels to ministe rprotec tand help us inthe direciton you want us to go Lord help us to do your Will. please help me car for my fmaiyl giv em the desir eto do o. pelas erbign joy and refreshment to my grandm adn my fmaily and miraoculs healign in ym fmialy. protect and asnd same iwhtmy husband ofrm the lord. please intercede and alos get rid f all the glass shardLor may no one get injured as a result of the glass shards. help me to clena all glass shadrds pleas eprovide for me and i pleade the hOly blood of the LOrd Jesu s Chris otn this request ont his oprayer upon al peole. hela that girsla heart an din every way neurlogiclaly too heal all peole who hav demntiset fthem free free them form all the power sof the deivl. free my marriag ot my husband form lal the power sof the deivl free our mind thoguhts actions understnaidn and communciaiton form all the power sof the devil . let no weapon formed againest my marriage propser ever. Lor di blpelase your holy blood over al bitterness and resenment beteen us tht coudl possbly arise may thie rbe no bittenress resentment misundersnatnign beteen me an dmy hubsanad ever by the power of your hoyl soriti btu deivne love 2!6= forever an dever an deve rlove please nonly highest form of love fin my marriae in thenamoe fthe lor dJue sChirst. giv eme love for others Lord. lvoe nerver fials thank you Lord. and giv eme strenght an djoy pattience an dthe willkignness ot floow oyu Lord and not giv einto far resenment bittenres sbut trsut in you Lord. may oyu be exulted min my marriage my husbands lfie in my lfie our respectiv efmialy lies lives and pelas eall al peoel int henameof hte lOr djue sChirst. pelas end all wars peace full ont his earth.pleas eprotect al epoel form evil accident socllusiosn makign unwise decisiosn and choices .pelas edlieve ru sla form insecuritires may we trusitnthe lOr d.d elive rmy fmial form depression hoelessness lakc of motivaiotn help al woen to be keepers a thome help us to keep gogin. provide for us the love we need slord and help us to all fight the goofdfight of fiaht. Lor djue sChirs t guid eusal by oyurholy spirit protect and bless al poele wiht clean pure heart after yours. itn ehnameof the Lor dJeus Chirs ti pray. pleas eldiver my grandm aform all sickness disease adn brign helaign to her entire beign by the pow rof oyur holy spirit.pelase and sma eiwht my mom da dbrothe rhusband ll epoel. please protec tus form lal evil. Bles isreal. plas eocnverntall who beliver and are decived by false Gods to serve the tru livign GOd the ture God and the eternal life Lord Jeus Chris.t protect us form lal idols and idol worshiping. dleiver fme form the love of decoraitng if oyu be willign Lor.d thnak you itn hnamoe fhte lor djue sChirs.t