Beloved of All
praie the Lor di recieevd healign in my teeth jaws thank you Lord. also thanky ou Lor dmy grandam is doign tiny bit strongr. pela epray fo rher for her to be healed of calcified arteries.etc... and also for her veins arteries to eb rebuilt. andand God hela her of all dementia dn all kidneys healrt blood pressure . fmaiyl needs dleiverance form flehs eating bacteria thnak for prayers. pleas epray for oru slacation and dleiveranc eof diabetews metabolic acidosis and all emtabolic issues gout tartar periodontosis diseas e.need helaign acid problems. rbother need helaign of histmine itnolernace. Lor dpleas ehal a us al prais eglroy and honoru goes to oyu!!thank You Lrrd thank you So much for your helaign touches thnak you so much!