Beloved of All
praie report: the ord is the tue God and terternla life. The Lord Jesus Christ healed my in my jaw positins. pleas epray for my grandma to be helae dof demeinta dleivere dof flehs eaitng bacteir and all spinal hernia deformities muscle atrophy blood pressure vasoldiation and boens arteries cviens all be helaed int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. i also pray pelase with em inagreement the Lord hela smy dad emotinally physiclal emtnaly spirutalyl pyhdiclal heals hisheart and soul and my parents the discover Christ and serv eonly Him. Irpay for my brothers slavation in Christ and HIS wife an dbyb . may they all come to serve and tknwo the Lord. ipray for pierre BIll NAvis. Gdo elss them and help them ela them and dleiver them and thier fmaily form all eivl. pray all churhc of the Lor dJeus Chirst ar eprotected by our Lrd form persecution and that the Lor sttenghtens blesses HIS churhc whom the Lr ddied for. Lor dplease save all souls witht he wblod of Chirs.t hav emercy. pelase dleiver em form al flase Gods isdosl and help me to love serving You Lord. thanky u Lor di pray that you amie all popel d oyur will and do it your way. thnaky ou Lord. pleas eprotec tm y huabdn whom i was made for formale vl. my the lor djoi us in holy matrimony and may he giv eus a deivne cnenciton via holyspirit and make us so one that It glorfies God and may we bless those aroudn us immasely by giginv Glor y ot God. Lord please forgiv em for my sisn. help me do diapers fed anc elnamy grandma,giv em wisodm what to eat what to feed my fmialy and how to less the food. giv em more speed and strenght and no more add. i serve ouy Lor dhelp me with the foccus concertration no more intusive htoughts and pelase dleiver me from lusitng coventousness may i delivsre to fodo ods so storngly andi pray hit s for al poepel too in the nameo fhte lord Jedus Christ. pelas ehall all onthis iste and dleiver themform all ucnlenaspirits int hename of the Lord Jeus Christ. Amenpleas epray fo rmy fmaily salvation in Christ helaing inChrist Victory over the enmy through Christ and totoal surrender to Chris toforeve.r HIs ame his glor.y pelas epray of rmy grnsamda who hasbeen bdridden for years pelas epray she isheale dher back her spine my dads spinal fracture. dleiveranyc eof all dental decay dehydration issues flehs eaitngbacteira. totoal surrender to Christ.slavation helaign of my parent shearts and forgivness of oyur sins.Lor dhelp me clean help us wiht all that wenned to do. thank you Lord. also Lor di would really liek my own hsubadn to love who love sme and dleiver him from all evil. help us to become one FlehsbyOYur Holy spirit i pray for b to be dlievere dof smokign via the Holy spirit and dleivered of drinking via the Holy spirit of the Lord and ineed dleiverance form coronaphobia and also Lord dleiver this world form coronaphobia and cornavirues pelas ehal all who are iskc Lor dby the powe rof oyur Holy spirit. pelas por our yíour hOly spirit on all flehs. ehlp me do oyur wil Lord anf all n love iwht oxu Lor di pray htis fo ar al peoel. Please giv em wisdom on hwo to take car eof my health issues and wisdom how ot best clean adn car eof rmy grandma. pleas eprotect my fmaily all relatives and neighbours and al peopeole form alvil. please bring slavaitont o all my neighours and please otuch all those who need helaign.pela ehal VIlike Lord by the power of oyur Holy spirit Lord Jeus Chirst hanky ou for another day. may we worship and serve oyu in truth. pelthanky u for helaign me !