Beloved of All
Praie report!!!! Thank youLord!! thnak you Lord for healing fo my teeth facial boens jaw positiosn for shifitng them into bette rpositions ( after diabetic sepsis Miracle form the Lor dhtnaky ou! All thigns ar epossibel! i knwo for a fac ttha tbefor eit was caus eof oyu rprayers!! thnak you!! CCHurhc i love you thanky ou! thank you Lord Jesus CHrist you are the healer praise reprot also my moms bakc is ebtte rnto limpign thank you Godpelas efull hela her back spine and body teeht gums brian aspergers syndorm. also hela my grandma fully form all issues spine all infection bloos bloosgarissues sever emanutiriton demenita demormitie sskin probelsm adn parasites? Pleas egieve her excelelnt blodo rpessure blos suagr levels halyl haeat helaign pelas ehal her lor dby septmeber 2. Lord you knwo fmialy is comign i wan tmy grandm ahealed pelas elor dif youare willign by septmebr 2 she has been bedriddne for year.s please Lor dhela my dads heart valve and heal the issues that cause dall his healthissues. giv ehim excelelnt lugn finction as well and dleiveranc eof al fungus for hima nd my fgrandma. pelase destroy all felsh eatign bacteri a in his life and momall fmaily thnak y pelas ehelp em eb better caregiver. lead me me nto itno temptation dleiver em form temptations. dleive rme form all flase way. also hela my dad osteoporsis and my grandma too pelas ehal al metbolic insulic highblodo suagr all type sof diabetes form my whoel fmaiyl blodo line pelase giv eme wisodm and also help me to eb happy. and sttrenghtne me. pelas ehal my rbothe rof hisatmien intolerac.e pelase dleiver B form smokign and drinkign i ray of rhis total slavaiton in Chirs tma yhe alway sbe int he will of God. may i always be int he will fo God and all my fmaiyl memebrs and all peopel. lro dpelase od alliny our power to destory the works fothe deivl in all oru lives espeically in my fmialy life my life husbadn form the Lord s life. Lor dhelp em to be TRULY content wiht wha ti hav ein my heart for oyu will enver elave me or forsak e me. pela shelp em enjoy the liv fe oyu hav egiven me and not be desiresour sof that which i dont hav. ethanky ou for my lfie. pelase provide all peoelf orood clothign shelter clena water and warmth and lvoe . thanky ou Lord int he namoe fthe Lord Jues Chirs.t also pelase ocninue to heal resurect teeht organd limby boens inusiln pancres and remove allf lehs eaitgn bacteira our of the fac eof the earth THanky OU Lord Jesus Christ I llove you!