Beloved of All
praise report: thank you Lord Jesus Christ for marrying me and us the church thank oyufor never leavign us or forsakign us thank you for my life and family adn this day! thanky ou formiralce runign water today ( they were to shut it totally downbut you gaveus waetr anyway! thank you forthis mriacle!!Please pray for my dad its his 66tbirthday day andhe is alone and lonley and homelss and ill his heartvalve needs amiracle helaign i am wrorried. pelas epra he has plantyof oxygen and hisheart does NOT stop. pela epray thanky ouso much. ihavent seen him in 7 year simiss him.pleas epray the Lord doe smiracle sin his life that he is heale dof heart disease has oxygen inhis heart like never nefore that his heart valve heals that the Lord saves him and dleivers himf orm all heart troubles heals his broken heart binds upp his wounds all for the glory and prais eof His nme please pray my dad has merry ehart healign and protection form our Lord Jeus Christ protection form accidnt calamities death and protection form evil. Pelas erpay the Lord blesses him with logn healhty happy life and he ncounters Christ lov eliek never bdofre today. pelas epra yhe gets baptized in the ame of the Lord Jeus Chirst and recive sthe gift of His Holy spirit.please pray he is heale dof allfunga viralinfecitns if aplicable his luigns work and heale idn his emoitons dleivered of alld emons. Lord pelase bless my dad with your love yourhealign and your compassion. tell him i love him and miss him. please otuchhim wehre he need shelaign Lor din his bones dleiver him form osteorpsis pleae giv ehim the joy of the Lord and your presence all throght the day and his life. pelase le thim experience oyur love. Please sen trilions of allholy angels today tohim and touch heis heart Lord forgiv ehis sins I plead YOu Holy blood upn in. pleas ebless his health his life his mood his joy and financially. pelase mriculoulsy provid ehim the hoem oyu want him to sleepin protec thim form all evil and keep HImin your Will and love. please guide his thoguhts acitons intentions and bless him wiht happy helahty logn life filled wiht your Holy spirit and the knoweldege of the Lord. please dleive hrim and his life form all false Gods and all eivl. may He truly encoutner Chirst adn Lor dhela His heart valve. God bless oyu all for praiyng for my dad. please pray His youthis restore dlifke the eagles and His heart too. Lor dldieve rhim formalldisease flehs eatign bacteri giv ehim excelelnt weigt exceleltn oxygen to his heart healhim emoitonally Giv ehim lov epower and osud mind protec thim form confustion and form scammer.s protecthims comign and goign and make today exciitgn for himt hat he praise s the Lor dbless him with a miracle toda.y thanky ou Lord of rmy da dplease keep HIm alive forevermore and prolongue his life wiht abudnant life here on earth. pelase send trillions foholy ngels to himto minster ot him heal him. giv ehim livign water where he is thristy fillhim Lord by your power Lov eand Holy spirit. i pray htis forlalepoel. guide us alw th your Hoyl spirit today. make us do your Will and help us inpelas ehal my grandma thnaky ouf or her dhela her form demenits heal her bloos pressure heal her veins arteireis heal her form all bowel obstrucitons touch and fill ehr with oyur healign Lord int henameof the Lord Jues chirs tgiv eher lov epower osudn mind and dleivernce form all eivl spirits. dleive rmy dad form all unclena siprits. pelae giv emy dad mom and brther grnamd VilB and lal peoel heaign wehre they need it thanky ou for oyur helaign touch even now YOu heale dmy facial bones. thnak you Lord. please hela my grandma dleive rus all int he fmaiyl form all felehs eaing bacteria depressiona nxiety stress related ill ness espeically m y mom dad grandma B v and brother. pelase hela my brother fom HIstmian eintoelrace mayhe toleratehitmaien belss himat work help him wiht his work with hifs wife and daughte rbless thie rmarriag and help them knwo oen anothe ran dyou Lord. Pleas ereconcile my parentisnholy matirnomy if oyu are willign. pelase pbless me wiht my own husband my ownflesh and boen no strange or ungodly husbabdn keepe him iny our Will. Lor dif B is my husband make it lound an dclenar. pelas heal his heart giv ehim mery heart and dleiverhim form smokign alchahlism and ungoldy soul ties pelase giv ehim wisdom and power love an dsoudn minfd. savehim healhim Lord guide him and protect HIm in all matters storgner than eve rbefore. giv em yparents healht heaets and heappy hearts filled wiht oyur hols irit and wisodm sma eiwht my grnamd and B. pelase protect VB Bébrother and all my fmaiyl form the devil. please bless my dad iwht a healigbrihtday gift!! thanky ou andbelss heal and protect allform eivl ithis site. ehal all thos ien come dleive rhtose who have cancerheart diease diabetes type 1 and 2 and diabetes insipidus and all emtbaloic disorder help alcaregivers and parnets. guide all in authrity help them do your will help us do OYur Willt hanky OUy Lord i love oyu Ilove my da dna fmaily pleas ehal us hela us ine very way. i ask this for lal peopel too in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. bless my dad wiht the most miraucluls birhtday hes ever had Lord pelase and protec thimf orm accidntcalamity and eath otuc his heart an dmake it so he has excelelnt strogn healht happy heart.dleiver his heart andbody mind andemoitons will and mood form the devil in thename fo the Lord Jeus Chirst. forever Holy spirit otuch hima dn pemantly heal adn diasbel the devildestory the works of the deivl in my dad's life and speka clearly ot my dad OYur Will adn YOur lveof or Hm Lord thnaky ou SaveHim. i pray htis for my moma nd all epoel too thanky oU Lord in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. also provide best mobile bed sunign bed for my grandma your perfect oen for her help me clena and caregive and keepign sekeign YOu lord. thnaky ou for htis day . tell my da di sa yi love him miss hima dn happy birhtay. tell my husband form you lOr di love him so mcuh i htink he is so hot!!! thnaky ouLor din thenameof the or dJeus Chirst adjust this prayer under Holy SPirit guidance and may OYur IWll eb doen thanky .in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirs.t bless my mom heal her form asperger syndorm ehal her brian healr hermodo bless her liekneve rbefore today.! thnaky ou Lord andbelss my dad like never ebfore and my grnamd and brother and all fmaiyl and B Béla and lal peoel dlieve rus formallmanenr of sickness and isease and all manenr of evil by your pOwrer Lord allpraie Honour Glory to YOu Lord Jesus Christ..