Subitute whey. Protein. For morning and noon lunches. You for not want to lose muscle. But the fat. Also mix a little coconut oil cold expressed in your shake or on your evening meal , it burns fat. Also a good probiotic will help you lose weight. It will restore your gut health as well as the coconut oil. Stay from from wheat and starchy veggies away from weight.
Just walk , you dont have to over do it.
Green tea helps lose weight and it contains l-theanine which keeps on calm. Or you are stressed, your body makes cortisol and it goes right to your waistline. I know I suffer from anxiety horribly.
I used to be an RN , but have always loved holistic medicine. You can also blend ground faxseed in your protein shake. It will regulate your hormones.
Having your thyroid checked is so so important. It regulates your metabolism. Make sure you getting enough iodine. Good choices are sea kelp. Sea salt, strawberries. turkey. Salmon fish wild caught only.
I would like to go back to school to become a natural consultant .The Lord put every herb and food here for a reason. Each time I do research he guides me to the right thing.
Walk away from stressful situations. It will only make it harder to lose weight. The lord said never will I leave you nor forsake you. No white sugar either. Use stevia.
Be blessed and my our lord watch over you in Jesus name. Amen and amen
Oh an happy birthday. Never surrender to the adversary. He is trying to still your happiness. But the lord is stronger. Keep your faith and your eyes on him and anything is possible!