Lord Jesus we present syliva to you as offering to you just like Hannah did with Samuel. Lord Jesus we break the power of sin and the rebellion off her son right now. We rebuke the rulers of darkness that is control him right now. Lord Jesus we bind satan and we ask that you enter the strongman hourse and deliver him from the spirit of bondage. And we proclaim liberty to bring him out of the kingdom of darkness. and speak that his eyes will recovery from blindness from the substance abuse and bondage. We believe that liberty comes by your spirit and therefore we speak liberty from this oppression. Proclaim acceptable year of the Lord favor.Lord Jesus we ask that you give him one heart and one way that he may fear you forever. We also say that Isaiah 53:5- But he was wounded for our transgressions , He bruised for our iniquities. And Isaiah 49:9- That You may say to the prisoners," Go forth,' To those who are in darkness show yourselves, and Isaiah 49:24-Who can snatch the plunder of war from the hands of a warrior?
Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go? and Isaiah 49:25-But the Lord says,
“The captives of warriors will be released,
and the plunder of tyrants will be retrieved.
For I will fight those who fight you,
and I will save your children. I ask that this prayer would granted for your glory and yours alone. And this momma would have perfect peace believe your plans would be establish over her son. We also ask that you send messangers to rescue him and labors in his path. And that your word would be a lamp to his feet and light to his path. We bind satan who holds him as a prisoner of war. We pray for the blood of Lamb would be upon him that overcomes the devil. We also pray for a protective hedge of protection to move satan away from him. Satan get behind him, you are a stumbling block. We also speak 2 Corinthians 10:3--We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 [
a]We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. We also speak Isaiah 10:27- In that day his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck; and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil. We pray that you lost child Jesus would be found, and he would see. And that reconciliation would come back to sis syliva with her son. We Bind the devil and his accusation. Satan you cant have her child. The Blood of Jesus is on the door of his life and heart. We apply the blood of the Lamb right now in Jesus Name. You overcame Jesus.