Beloved of All
Plesse plesse all pray pied nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve lord photographes videis are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord I ask you plesse please bless and make me please so so very totally amazing outstandly so so very photogenic in every way in every part pc me please lord in all every photographes all every videis selfues snap chats watapp videis all every face time videos that ate taken of me with all every cameras all evefy videos at all times in all places now always that inam truly truly astonistsd amazed in jesus name I ask you please lord bless me please lord to look totally incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht sexy striking outstanding totalky amazing totally outstanding totally phenomenal totally magnificent totally breathtaking young youthful radiaht glourious please lord in every way in evdry part of me please in all every photographes all every videis selfues snap chats all every watapp videis all every face time videis lord plesse with fioters without any filters alot alot better than all every filters without any filters that are not blurry in any way that are pure clear bright titally awsome amazing in every way where ny whike stomach hips are totally titally flat tinned tight in every dress clothes outfits I wear always ally alot alot better please lord than all evefy one of these top class models celebrities that I am truly amazed astonished now always in jesus name I will bot admire other peoples photograiges videis all my photigraoges videis of me are blessed blessed incredibly admired in every way now always please pleSe lord do these things fir me now plesse by youf power please lord exeed exeed plesse exeed incredibly abundantjy every single one of ny oraters exiectstuins request desires please now always even before I ask plesse lord build build boast incredibly abundantjy my whike self worth self esteem self confidence please in every way now more more every day destroy please lord all every critasism towards me in every way now always permantly in jesus name please bless me please lord with the very very very best ever compliments plesse lord I desure now always abubdantjy everywhere I go plesse avundantky bless me plesse lord to outshine every all girls all women plesse in every way now makes everywhere I go plesse lord bless me plesse to look and feel a total titally millions dollars plesse in every way part of me now always in jesus name bless your beauty lord your glory your radiance your shigina glory to plesse be apon every single part of me in every way now always incredibly abubdantly in jesus namess