Humble Prayer Partner
I've bn giving updates and asking for prayer about my baby great nephew who sustained serious injuries 4-6wks old (now 15 months doing great in my sister's care (his other great aunt) after a year recently my nieces partner charged with reckless disregard for 2 of lesser injuries but police didn't have enough evidence to know who (my niece or her partner) caused the more serious and multiple head injuries occurring at atlest 2 seperate times just days apart. Both baby's parents have mental health issues and especially my niece also behavior issues and we thought more she hurt baby. She is trying to get sole custody of baby and bn waiting for a court date next Yr but I just found out she's trying get unsupervised visits now & also her partner isn't allowed to see baby cos of bail conditions but can travel to where baby's visits take place. my sister is completely defeated after talking to lawyer, but we know God is bigger than any legal system! The right place for baby right now is to remain in sister's care cos of both parents behavior & they taking no responsibility or wanting to get help & bn making things very difficult for my sister. Plse pray Gods hand in this situation, that baby will stay protected in sisters care and visits remain supervised also. Please uplift my sister in prayer also to give her strength and encourage her. Thanks for your ongoing prayer support.