Beloved of All
plese Lord otuch my dad and hela himos osteoprorissi dleive rhim form akkl dehy dration issues strengthen his heart nd dleiverhis lungs and body from all flesh eating bacteria by Yur Power Lord Jesus Christ giv ehim your salvatin please Lord Jesus Chirst today and deluver him formt eh enemy 100% and restore him to healht have emrcy. lease hal him iN Your name please Lord Jesus Chirtthank YOu Lord.pelas eprotect Hum and guide hI wm wiht yourholy spirit at all times. dleive rhimf orm all evil pelase Lord and also my momand all my fmaily blood line. please help him do YOur Will and provide nd bless hima dn my whole fmaily . please bless my grandma dad and mom and allfmaiyl abudnadnlry. pelas ehal all on this site wLord who asked for healing in OYur name i agree. savethir families. and please join me and my husband together as oen flesh asap- the oen YOumad eme for . pleas eprotecthim form all evil whoeevr he is bless him ad n keep him faithful to ne adn Always puttign YOur firstGod. please give us all clean hearts and put YOu first i pray htis forallpeopel. pelase dleiver all ofus form all evil please Lord forgive our sins and guide us wiht YOur eye. thanky ou for this day thiank you for my family forhealig you agve in mybones and teeth adn thank you for my home and mylife an dfmaily. please help us repent and dooyu r Will Lord.please also brign salvation to all sould thanky ou. please helpmy brother nad his wife in their marriage to glorify youa dn help with raisign their baby . bless them and protect them form all hard and form the enemy. hela them and restore them where need be. please keep thm healthy and give them merry hearts allof themthank YOu Lord int he name fot he my Lord and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ pray