Beloved of All
Pleass please all pray lord oh videis selfies snap chats snap chats videos are so so very important tobme lord they create memorys lord nothing is impossible for you you words say ask and I will recieve i stand on your words promises lord i ask you please please lord bless and please lord make me please lord incredibly totally amazing so do very very photogenic plesee lird in every single way in every part of me plesse lord eyry every all cameras every all phines videus at all times alot allt better please lord than eveth all top class modejs celebrities that I am titally incredibly astonished amazed now always please in jesus name I ask you please please lidd bless maje me please lord look totally incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning sexy striking very very radiaht very glorious titalky outstanding totalky magic totally breathtaking young youthful very fresh faced lord in evefy single aay in every part of me please lord in all all every photographes every videus every selfies every snap chats every snap chats videus all every watapp videus all every fave tine videos thst are taken of me please lord eyry every all cameras in jesus nane every all phines every all videos at all times in all placds please lord with filters without any filters alot allt allot better please lord than evefy single all fioters without abu filters that are not blurry in any way alkt alot alkt better please lord than every one of these top class modejs and alkt alot better than all evetu firm women plesed lord on fave book and that I am totally titally incredibly astonisted now always please lord in jesus name pleaee lird take away please from me all every dear o have away about having my photographes videus selfues taken being on videis call face tome now plesed lord reopsce please wuty incredible awsome breathtaking beauty glory radiance confidence now in jesus christ name I ask you please please lird bless and please lord make me every part of me please the tital very very best ever model in every way part of me now always more more every day please in jesus name plesed lord open wonderful awsome doors for me to do modeling where people ask me to model for there hair dressers shops websites catalogue brochures compahys please lord wuty treat high pay now abubdantly pleaee in jesus name please please lord restore my confidence in every way now in jesus name please pleasd build boast pleass lord my whole confidence self esteem self worth self confident incredibly abundantly please lord in evdry way rught now more more every day please lord in jesus nane bless lord your beauty your glory your radiab e your shigina glory to pol be soon eveth single part of me incredibly abundantly in every way now always ij jesus name I ask you please please bless me please lord to please please look 25 years younger please lied in every single say part of me pleasd lord now always more more every day in jesus name I ask you please pleasd lord renew restore please my whold health in every way now hair in every way now skin Teeth my home beauty apperance figure please lord in every way now please by your power in jesus name please please lord bless me pleass to please get alot alkt alot more more beautiful go stunning sexier tasusht stronger alot alot more confident alot younger please lord in every single way part of me please now more more every day in jesus name please lord bless me please wuth new the titally very very best ever please new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosnetucs I desure please lord the tital very very best ever fir my skin in every wah that I put on dint want take off please pird that I look feel incredibly beautiful stunning amazing alkt younger brighter very rssjsbt very confident with please lord in new pump bottles new tubes st really great prices now please lord abubdantly without any delay lord please please bless and please lord maje all this particular new very best ever make up I desire available to me ryght now abubdantly please thst i can buy bless and please pird make all evefy one if the make up compahys produce them all in great abundance please lord now pleasd lurd give them all please the very best ever ingredients textures colour tones best ever fir my skin in jests name please lird bless me please with incredibly skill wisdom choosing the right make up colour tones for my skin lord and how apply it it now please ij jesus name please please lord restore to me please lord all evety single all every dissappoitments I have ever ever had in the pset wuty the make up all things to me now please in jesus name plesse pird bless me please with alkt alot better quality clothes st great awsome bsrgin prices now please bless me wuty a very great eyes fir choosing all things now always in jesus name please please lord compliments are so very good to me I ask you please lord bless me please wuty the tital tital very very best ever compliments in evetu way now please lord everywhere I go now always please in jesus name please bless me please lord to please please outshine every all girls all every women in every way in every part of me now always everywhere I go now always please lord in jesus name bless me please lord to please be alot alot cleaner tidier ammacilare pristine vdey well dressed in every way now please more more every day and to please wear different outfits not were so much black please in jesus name lord please please bless me please to look feel a total million dollars so so very stunning so very beautiful radiaht amazing young confident in every wat now please lord more more every day please lord maje my apperance beauty a great steanth now more more everyday please in jesus nane no no more critasism please pied towards me to me about me my hstr skin apperance ever again please lord in jesus nane destroy please pird every all critasism charcssim towards me in every way now always please ik jesus name please please lird give me please alot alot more confident in myself now please more more every day please ij jesus namess please lord restore my figure in evetu way now alot better than it was please in my 20s 30s now in heays name places bless me please lord wuty alot alot alkt faster motablism in every way now awkward that inam not scared lord to eat in jesus name please please lord remove every all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body pre now never return plesee give me lots of motivation lord to exercise walk more now always please ij jesus name bless me please lord to shine shine bright like a diamond in every way now more more every day all these things lord ate so so very important to me your words say ask and I will recieve please please lord do all evetu one if these things for me now please by your power please pleaee lord exeed exeed please incredibly abundantly please lord evefy single one of my prayers all my request desires big tiny huge small please lord now awkward ebeb before I ask please lord enlarge my whole faith trust in you lord incredibly abundantly now please more more every day please lord in jesus christ holy namess