Stop trying to be 'every mom'!
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago (Ephesians 2:10 NLT).
Stop trying to be "All The Moms"!
Do what brings you joy, and let go of the rest.
God didn't create you to do it all but he did create you for community.

This image can be downloaded and printed if you need to remind yourself that God gifted you and made you enough to be where he placed you!
Please remember, be the wonderful mom God made you, and stop trying to be all the moms!

About the author: Several of us at Heartlight.org saw Jordan grow up, become a young woman, and mature as a writer. We are so delighted she is sharing some of her work with us.
You will find Jordan's posts at least once per month here or you can subscribe to her blog or Facebook streams. For more info, follow the link below. Now, here's a greeting from Jordan.
Welcome friends. I'm Jordan. I write about the days with my wonderful husband and three little ones to help me get through the days with my wonderful husband and three little ones. I'm really good at eating chocolate, over-analyzing everything, and forgetting stuff.
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