Good and Faithful Servant
please watch all these especially the second one down it goes along with prophecy full one. Videos About Mind Control if your a prayer warrior even though we can't stop this nor should we please pray for those like myself who report this to people and not get killed I've loaded dozens of these v2k videos on here and some of you may just think he's nuts but I am not this is what is happening Our Govt is rouge but they hide in law and order crap to keep it hidden in plain site. Put on the full armor of Christ along with the cloak of revenge and pray that God comes and comes soon so these criminals who are doing this to us pay. Your all TI's Targeted individuals but some are less than others. I am big because I know the truths of these violations of not just man's ways but God's and this is your man of sin and perdition.
to those that I've conversed over this issue join that group they have a lawsuit or will have and are working to free us all of this tyranny now so please do so and pray pray pray
Videos & articles about Havana Syndrome