Prayer Partner
I'm asking that you please still pray for the man I'm in love with (I've posted 5 prayer requests about our situation before) & our situation but I think there needs to be a shift in focus. My mom has believed all along that he must know I at least like him because, while I haven't flat out told him, I haven't exactly been subtle with the hints. He calls himself dumb often (not in a self-deprecating way; he's a comedian & says it in a funny way) & he's proven that he doesn't always pick up on things. My mom thought his friends would've probably told him (I've met some of his friends & they would all look back & forth between the 2 of us & grin, like they could clearly see we like each other) but I said they probably wouldn't tell him because they think he already knows. After looking at all the details of our situation, it has become clear to my mom, my best friend, & me that he honestly doesn't know I like him! Short of saying, "I'm in love with you! Please ask me out," I feel like I've said it all! I think he may be the only one that doesn't realize it! I sent him a birthday card recently that I wrote a poem in. I tried to make the poem a combo of funny/silly, sweet/flirty, & personal/inside jokes. I was scared to do too much with the flirty part because he's the only person I've ever really flirted with, so I'm really bad at it, & I didn't want to go overboard & freak him out on his birthday. Now I'm realizing that it might not have been enough. People who don't know us personally keep telling me I should ask him out for coffee or something but we live 6 hours away from each other, so it would have to start with a video chat date. I think this is another reason he hasn't asked me out yet. He doesn't realize I would love to travel to visit him & if this works out (like I believe it will), I'd move in a heartbeat! I can't tell him that before we even date though because that would be a lot! I pray that God would reveal to him that the distance is not actually an obstacle. I did have an opportunity to ask him out last time he was in town but I couldn't find the courage to do it. He did invite me to eat with him & a friend, which went great, & I thought it'd lead him to ask me out on a real date, but he never did. He's said & done so many things that make me (& others that have observed) 99% sure he really likes me but he's known to be kind of insecure, in his head, & oblivious. I'm asking for prayers for him that he would be given the wisdom & clarity to know that I love him & it's ok to ask me out, as well as the courage & strength to do so! I'm asking for prayers for myself for clarity (which I feel like I've finally been given to a good extent), peace, wisdom to know what to do & when to do it, & courage to tell him whatever God tells me I need to tell him. I've been praying hard, as well as discussing it with my mom & BFF, who are both also praying for us. I just don't know if I need to straight up tell him, wait for him to say something I can comment on in a more clear way, have someone else talk to him (& if so, who? I'm almost positive his friends know & I've befriended several of them as well, then there's my BFF, who he's met before & another friend that I might could ask), or what. I just need prayers for clarity on what I need to do & how & when I need to do it, as well as courage & strength to push past my chickenness & do whatever the Lord tells me to. I've just gotten to the point where I'm almost ready to just tell him, but I still have that fear & I still need God to let me know if that's the right thing to do or not. I can't just let this go because I'm so in love with this man & I truly believe with my whole heart that he's the one God has planned for me! We're both well into our 30s & we both want marriage & children, so it's important that we don't just sit around playing the waiting game! Having said that, I also don't want to go against God's divine plan or rush His timing! Thank you for the prayers! It truly means a lot to me!
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