Wendy Foss
Humble Prayer Partner
Hello, this is not easy to talk about but I would like to request prayers for my life to improve. I am scared & have gone through a lot of sad things this last year. I am a good person but sadly I somehow developed an addiction to alcolhol. I was in the hospitle 3 times & I lost my job of 22yrs all over this. I was always really good before & hardly ever missed a day of work but when this started everything fell apart in my life. I really desperately do need a job right now but I have a lot of fear in me. I had good friends at my old job & I saw them again a few weeks ago. Everyone there still cares about me & my ex boss offered to hire me back as soon as the next day if only I would call the head boss over him first. No one knew how bad I felt though & I didn't call him because I was afraid I just could not handle it at that time. Also there are things about that job that I did not like & I was not very happy there the last few years I worked & I wanted a change but then again this was all I knew for 22yrs & I am afraid of new things. I have been very sick the last few months and could not eat. I felt very weak. I had no appetite at all but now I am trying to eat more & feel better & if it wasn't for my mom I don't even know where I'd be right now. She has supported me throughout all this but I feel terrible about it because she shouldn't have to. My boyfriend David also has a really bad problem with alcolhol & has for many years. I feel though that he wants to get better & he wants the same for me. What hurts is that he has turned away from me for the moment. I love him though & I want things to work out between us but with everything that's happened it's just not that easy right now. So I guess what I am asking is please just pray that things will get better soon. I want to ask a request to prey that God will lead me to the right place, & the right job for me where I will be happy. I also want to prey that David recieves healing physically & emotionally & that he can be a better person for me because right now he honestly does not know how & it makes me very sad. I request to prey not only for me & David but all my loved ones, my mom, my family, my little baby Smokey. Thank you so much in advance & God Bless you all. It means the world to me to see people who actually care enough to take the time out of their day to prey & help others in need. You are truly God's children & I am so glad to have found this sight