Humble Servant of All
My daughter has a vpo for a crazy ex. We waited two years to finally file hoping he would just go away. He finally threatened violence. So we had no choice. The state pressed charges. He got picked up and bonded out and messaged mg husband and threatened me now. This is no way to live. She is doing well in life and he is ruining her life and I already worried sick over her and now myself. Please pray this boy (young man) will get help and leave our family. He belongs in jail but I just wish he would get help and get himself together and if he can’t god just keep him In jail for all his other “crimes”. He is really messed up kid and no one in his life is helping him but he isn’t out responsibility and now with violence we want him to go far away. Please pray for our safety and peace and for someone to help this kid mental state. Amen