Please pray people to find JESUS, please pray for my daughter Alyssa Lafitte she is 11 and that she gets excited about going to church and also to protect from those at school who are bullying her very bad ,please pray for my son Alex lafitte his 9 In the 4th grade that he gets excited about Jesus and going to church and that he is nice to people and not get bullied at school, please pray for those who are sex trafficking,prostitution,strippers that they find Jesus and get a better life with Jesus,please pray for the gangsters that murder people and smuggle drugs and alcohol that they STOP and find Jesus and get Jesus in their life so that they can live a better life , please pray for those who are in jail that they find Jesus and that they can be saved and forgiven for their sins , please pray for the pastors and church congregations that they are teaching about the ONE TRUE GOD and JESUS, please pray for those who are killing Christians that they STOP and find Jesus and that they can be saved and forgiven through JESUS , please pray for those who are practicing and doing magic all , ouija boards, sacrificing an Innocent human and animals , please pray for those who are doubters, non believers, pagans,atheist,scientology, witchcraft ,devil worshippers, that they alp STOP and find JESUS In their life and get saved and forgiven, please pray for those who are raped, molested that they find JESUS so that they can get Jesus and learn to forgive and to get help from the scars that leaves behind, please pray for those who are kidnapped those found and those missing that first off the family's don't blame JESUS but that they get Jesus in their life and from that maybe Jesus will let them have the answer about closure about where their loved one is and bring closure to them but only through JESUS will this be possible , please pray for those who are sick, dying that they find JESUS in their life so that they can be saved and forgiven from their mistakes in life and to know they are not alone , please pray for those who are poor that they find Jesus and get rich on the love Jesus gives and will help them through the hard times , please pray for those addicted to find Jesus and that they can have a better sober life with JESUS that they get saved and ask for forgiveness ,please pray for those who are rubbing stores, banks, people house , vehicles, purses, pockets , that those stealing from family and friends that they STOP and find JESUS and from that learn to live a better life and to be saved and ask for forgiveness, please pray for the people on this site for all their request spoken and unspoken,and please pray for those who are struggling with jobs and finances that they find Jesus and they let Jesus guide them and know that Jesus is always there, please pray for those in the army ranks, policeman,first responders,government branches, medical field that they find JESUS and get saved and be forgiven and not to work without the guidance of Jesus leading them, please pray for those who are and have had already an abortion that they STOP and find Jesus and get saved and be forgiven and pray that instead of abortion that they will find a loving Christian family that will take their child In and love it as their own , please pray for those abortion clinics to Shut down and to find Jesus and ask to be saved and forgiven, please pray for those who are gay to find Jesus and to start a new life over and that Jesus can rebuke that sin from them and they can be saved and forgiven, please pray for those who are changing their gender that they realize they need JESUS and Jesus made then the gender that they are born with and his own creation and mind that he made them be and for those doctors and surgeons that they STOP and they find JESUS and that they won't mess with GOD creation and that they will need Jesus to stop that sin and be saved and forgiven, please pray for those who are killing babies that they stop and find JESUS and get forgiveness and be saved , please pray for those who are walking around this world and nation without JESUS that they find JESUS and live a better life , please pray for those over seas who are being murdered that they find JESUS and that those who are doing the murdering find JESUS and that they get a better life with JESUS, please pray for those who have family problems , financial issues, job issues that they find JESUS and seek JESUS to get guidance and help , please pray for those who are in a abusive marriage or relationship it could be mental, physical , and also physical and mental at the same time that the person doing the abusing finds JESUS and get a breakthrough and stop abusing for those who are staying in the abused marriage or relationship to seek JESUS whole heartly and that they find JESUS and they let JESUS guide their life it could be he may put them in a safer environment, or even change the one who is doing the abusing will seek and find JESUS and to stop the abuse altogether, I'm Tiffany ware I need this prayer for myself my husband Aaron Ware is mental abusing me and the kids he gets so mad and curses and yells and I always forgive him but it's hard to stay but Jesus hasent pulled us out of this marriage he dosent have a safer home for us to be yet but maybe he is wanting to change my husband heart and how he treats us and that's a possibility I just need prayers for Jesus to guide me and my kids, please pray for my dad TERRY LAFITTE that he gets JESUS In his life my daddy is 72 years old, and pray for those who are cheating having affairs that they STOP and get Jesus in their life and be saved and forgiven, please pray for those who are blaming JESUS to stop and find JESUS and to walk a better life with JESUS , for the people here on this site for all their spoken and unspoken request, for those who are worshipping idols , false gods small g , those worshipping Buddha pagen gods little g and for those who are worshipping not the true GOD big G that they seek and find JESUS fully and to turn away worshipping the Wrong gods little g,please pray for those who are walking on this world and universe that people find JESUS and please pray we don't walk through the mark of the beast that Jesus will protect us all from that and that he protects us from being murdered for believing I'm JESUS that he protects us from that and I know without a doubt JESUS can do this for us . God dosent want us to suffer please pray that we get a healthy female puppy that my kids will love and play with and help train her. In Jesus Name