Beloved of All
Please pray with me concerning my uncle who has sevre autsim (or other realted brain illness.- they dont know but YOu know LORd.) he has lived in an institutin for mos tof his life he is in his 40s. My grandma lost custody of him recenty. she is 80 and has dementia. but honestly this shoudol be no reason to take away her son. it jsut her mobility mainly. she is sharp but just weka.. they shoudl not discriminate agisnt his. plus no help inhungary. my mom makes 100 dollars a month and she works 24 7a nd me as well. my poor uncle.. he already lives in an institution. wh are so heartbroken. that the sytem is so evil! I think they are after his money . we are all sad. my mom and I are round the clock caregiver sot my grandma who is bedridden. We liv ein HUngary where their is not mayn facilities for the handicapped. liek nothing.. even the metro does no have an elevator . handicapped are shit ins.. im tiewd of this! please LOrd break the political systems and brign peopelwho actually care and do their job to defend the poor and needy. Please HUngary has so many poor and need ypeople. Lrd Jesus.. do soemhtign baout this. help them help us..please give us hiope your light... help. we need you to save us.. pelas ehelp us Jesus!! Jesus!! i am so sad. oru fmaily is sturggling. my mom and me and grandma all live on my grandmas pension. now even they take away our uncle, who hasnt seen his mom and us for os long.Please pray God gives back the guardianship of my uncle back to his mom. that HE DOES IRT FOR HIS HLORY AND ALL WILL SEE THAT HE DEFENDS THE CUASE OF TH EPOOR AND NEEDY: LORD HEAL ym uncle and grandma for your prais eand glory!! in Jesus Christ name. do a mriacle so big that all will belive YOu did this ands Jesus is the LOrd and Saviour of all.that they DO NOt descriminate against the needy sick people. my grandma worked for 40 years and she does not even get any phyiscial therapy. this is how HUngary is. I want jsut tice for my fmaily. very soon. I want justice for the poor and needy. I amheartbroken. now we ccanot buy my uncle any present sor chocolate and with the virus and all.. they dont want to brign him to visit. help us LOrd help us see your salvation in this sitation as well. Let no wepon formed agaisnt me and my fmaiyl prosper. i pray the institute and the jusdge will turned form evil and serve the livign God for Gods glory Jesus be exaulted!. God be exaulted+LORd Jesus help me to remain calm and t rustr you in this storm. Lord please help my fmaily. please help thoe like us. LOrd help those who are poor and needy all over the world. Delive rus formt he covid 19 virus.. and heal all those hwo are sick wiht any diesase.Lord I odnt know what tewill happen tday. MY pray you send angels as i will be goign to the institution. I pray i will not lose my cool but exhault oyu adn praise You. YOu are th God ofmiracles. You defend the caus eof the poor and needy. send me where you want Lord giv em the words you want to speak. Help me do your will . I pray this for al people. especially all ont his site and all chrisitans!!! I love you brothers and sister sin Christ for Christ! Ia m sorry for any neglect i have had toward smy uncle.. and praying. LOrd i odnt understand whats happend. I trust you. please show yourself mighty. Please give my grandma custody of my uncle soononce again! LOrd help me find all the papers i need and help me get to the institutionLOrd help us please for oyur praise for your glory LOrd I need your help! in Jesus Christ name I pray. Please heal p and hela on this site. Brong salvation to all on this site and all over the world. MY the name of the LORd bw mangnified! HIs glory aloen!!! all Yours praise to You Lord Jesus CHrist! thank you