Humble Prayer Partner
Please Pray this in Jesus' Holy name. Almighty God, please, please I beg Thee, remove all damages caused to my body, brain and mind by Intracerebral Haemorrhage and Cerebellar Stroke, snd replace with fresh, new, perfectly healthy cells. Please my God, there are such dreadful things happening in this world, I am needed to help people make some kind of sense of everything. Please Lord God, I beseech Thee, heal me, that I can help those in need, bringing Glory to Thy Name. Although I am not my own, and have been bought at a price, I beg Thee, please heal me fully, and allow me to remain in this world, helping those who so desperately need me to speak for them. Please God, please, only Thy miraculous healing can help me remain in this world where I am so/desperately needed. Please Lord, I am needed here, in this world, to continue Jesus' Ministry. Please Father in Heaven, please, there are many who need me, and amongst those are many young children. Please my Lord, young children are being abused in many ways, and I am needed here to help them recover from the horrors they have seen. Please Lord, please help the little children by restoring me to full health, that I may feed and clothe them and teach them to Worship Thee, and to Glorify Thy name through their treading the path of Jesus. Please Lord, please, I beg Thee, heal me, please heal me. Thanks be to God.