Beloved of All
Please will you Pray this through the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Dear Lord God, I Thank Thee for all the wonderful things Thou have done for me, especially keeping my family safe from harm. My Lord, Last night was terrible, I hardly slept at all, such is my guilt for my actions, and fear of what I now face. Please Lord, do not be angry with me, I fear that I do not have much longer in this world, and feel the need to beg Thee to, if it is Thy will, change events of the past for me. Some say that Thou will never change anything which has passed, but others believe that Thou can and will ,easily change the past for one of Thy children to give them a good life and a future in this world. Please Almighty God, I beseech Thee, change my past, making me honour my mother by losing much weight when she asked me to. I know that my refusal to lose weight worried my mother terribly, and I am ashamed by my refusal to honour her in such a way. She had seen my earthly father leave this world, and did everything in her power to prevent the same fate befalling me, but I, with the stupidity of youth, would not honour her wishes. Please God, I have been such a fool, but had no idea of the danger I was in. My Lord, my husband, my son and my grandson do not deserve the pain they will feel by losing me. They are good and kind, and I am filled with sadness that I will cause them such pain. My husband does not deserve to be lonely, my son does not deserve the sadness which my passing will cause him, and my grandson will miss the Joy which he and I shared before this dreadful illness struck me down. Lord, I am sure that many mortals have begged for Thee to help them by changing their past for them. Perhaps Thou has saved many thousands of people, but as Thou has given us, Thy Children, free will, we would not be aware of the wonders which Thou have heaped upon us. There is a saying we mortals use, it is Where there is life, there is hope. My Father in Heaven, last night made me feel very, very afraid. My breathing was difficult and the oxygen in my body was not enough. Please my Almighty Lord God, I have had many opportunities to lose weight and make my body fit for Thy Holy Spirit, but I was arrogant, thinking that I could do everything for myself, it has taken my illness to teach me that I need to have Thee close by me, loving mr, guiding me, teaching me. Please my Lord God, there is so much evil and sadness in this world, and so many souls must be crying to Thee to help them, I fear that my Prayer to Thee will be lost among them. Yet, still I Pray, and hope that not only does Thou hear my Prayer, but that Thou does love me as I love Thee, and does want to keep me here in this world with my family Please God, I beg Thee, make my past be such that this awful illness has never befallen me., because I will have homoured my mother by losing weight when she requested it of me. My God, the most terrifying moments come when I cannot feel Thy presence, and fear that Thou has deserted me. Please my God, I beg Thee to exercise Thy great power over all creation, by rescuing me from the fate which I, because I behaved in a rash manner Oh God, if Thou finds it is in Thy will, and Thou deems me to be worthy of such a wonder, and Thou does bless me with such a miracle, I would never be able to thank Thee enough, as I would not have any knowledge of the events, but I do truly feel that my life has been so changed by this illness that I would be a very different person in the future, being much humbled by my experiences since I fell so ill. Please Lord, I beg Thee, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by Thy infinite Grace and Majesty, do as only Thou can, by changing my past in such a miraculous way. I Pray this in the Glorious name of Jesus.