please pray the same prayer so that the worst does not happen, since Covid is returning in full force. There is no set time, but let there will be 24 hours of prayers that will turn into 48 hours due to time zones. You pray and then send the message to others (at least one person) so that we all continue in the Prayer for all Humanity. Let's pray together: Thank you for Strengthening me, Lord, Thank you for coming with me Lord, Thank you for protecting me Lord, Thank you for covering me with your precious blood, Lord. Jesus you are my rock, my shield, my strength, I love you, I need you, thank you for protecting me from the virus that threatens human life, thank you for protecting my loved ones, thank you for protecting all humanity and bringing health to all who have become ill. Lord Jesus, united as brothers and sisters, we pray that through your infinite mercy do not allow COVID-19 to enter us or our homes. Thank you Lord for placing your Angels around each house, where the family that prays in your Holy name takes refuge in Your Word that is made alive. Let's pray together: *Psalm 91, verses 10 and 11* βNo harm will happen to you, and no misfortune will come to your home. Because He will command His angels over you, to protect you in all your ways. " Amen! Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Let your kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive our offenses, just as we forgive those who offend us and do not lead us into temptation, and deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen! I thank you Lord For my health, For my family, For having a roof to rest on. And above all, for one more day of life with the people I love so much. Blessed Lord: Thank you for Protecting my family, friends, neighbors and loved ones and all the people I don't know yet, because we all need you. Thank you for blessing everyone, Lord, and bathe us in your blessed Mercy, which is great and Infinite. Thank you for forgiving those who do not believe in you and make fun of your word. Lord, do not allow death from this silent disease to take away more people. Thank you for blessing and protecting all the doctors, nurses, police, armed forces, firefighters and all workers who go out every day to save lives. Thank you for returning them safely to their homes, Lord. Thank you for Blessing us, Lord for your Infinite Mercy. I ask this in the name of your beloved son, Jesus. Amen! Thank you for sharing