Beloved of All
please pray the lord provid eof rme best wet dry vaccum cleaners a way to clena glass shards best mrialce clenaing uspplis that i am abel to use easily. pleas epray the lor dhelp sme giv emy grandma three diapers a day that he heal ym my mom s brian ( aspergers an dhe rhear teeth and dlieve rmy fmaily form flehs eaitng bacteira. pelas epra ymy brothe ris heale dof histmiane itolerance os he can ea tpormal.pelas epra ygod hela my teeth heal my body haveemrc yon me pleas eldieve rme form choronaphobia dleiver me form type 1 diabetes and disabete sinsipidus for me and my grandma and help me clena and car efor my fmaily without em gettign depresed haivng mentla illness depresison due to teeth. that he Lor dprovid efo rme friends so im nto so isolate di cray all the time. pelas per ai am abel to cmmunicate with my mtohe rno quarrellignt he Lor dhelp wiht our lives. pleas epra ym da di sno logne rhmomeless and the lor dprovide sbest pension for him.pelas epray b is heale dof alchahaula dn smoking addiciotn for life tha the is heale din every wa iyn brian and teet and God provid efor him only Godly friendsna and dlieve rhimf orm all evi. pelas epray the men of this world regaurd their marriage to their God gives wies as mos thonourable and dont dfraud them. Plea speray the Lr heals em emotionalyl physicall ymentally tha it fidn soem joy in my life. that he heal sme an dhelps me a si feel so aloen. If He is willig Lor dprovid efor me a God fearign husband who truly lvoe sme and woudl giv eHIs lfie ot Chirst adn to me as God woudl want . that He doest giv ehis all to his budies and to not cairgn for me. Lor id want man who care fo rme a husbadn form your hands. please help me clena and do wha ti sright in your sight an and htink hopeful thoguths. Lor nothgn is impossibel unto YOu. pelase giv em soudn mind clarity. i feel so distracted.pelas emake my life easier somehow giv em and my fmialy helaht boundires .pelas eprovid eof rme my own dwellign space. best hygiene helaign of boiler so i cna bathe. i feel so sa dplease help em and my fmaiyl .i cna barely hold on pelase have emrc yhelp me out of this horrible dehydraiton.pelas eprovid eclenaign eqipment and a sound mind so i i odnt have to fake it hpela shela my bod ym ybrian my heart and do the sam eof rlal poepel. thy Will done. have emrc yplease leave me not so aloen . pelas ie beg you int henameo fthe lor djue sChirst. pelas pelapelapelapselaple do al iny our powe rot bels shela and help me and my fmay my hubby and his fmaily too. please please ocme to our aide. coem to our aide. i am lost na dtired and very dehydrated pelase take away all this stres and diabetes form me and my grandma how do i chekc blos sugar i dotn undrsant pelas eprovid efor me a pair of glasses and some assitanc egetitgn a pair of glasses and i feel so aloen so alost so isolate dpelas eleave me not aloen an dhelp me LOr dcoem itno my lfie and help me please. int henameo f the Lor djues Chirs tnam ei pra yhep me iwht my taks pleas epleamake it easier take away th ecorna virus take awa ythis phobia help help kme live please an dabudnant life all glor ypowe rhonoru is your s pelase Lor dhelp me hela my grandm aof dementia bloso pressure small bowel obstruciotn syndorme. giv emy mom soudn mind pelas eprovid eme with appropriate nutrtion pleas elt htie rbe good tiem sahaed pleaspelase please odnt leave me all aloen please thnak you Lor idn thenameo fthe lor djue sChirst. tka em out of this darkness please i bg you thank yu pleas etka eme out of the darkness help medeive rme and my fmaiyl form all satnaicn poiwer bondages delive rus save us help us redeem us protec tus form all evil adn do the same ot my hubby fomr the lOr d. do al in yourpowe rot join us to beocme One flehs . by the powe rof oyur hoyl spirit .delive rme and him and ou family form eall dmeonic opression adn witchcaraft lal curse and please giv eus hope in oru heart smerry hearts like never before for oyur prais refor your glory all Glory is oyurs ressurect all that is dea din my life in my hubby form the Lords life. protec toour marrie form evil and lies form the devil. and pleas epotrtect all meaairages oyu have ordianed form satan from he deivl and form adultery form lakc of cove and conenciton in every wa.y giv em ema ndmy husband and undestructabel unrbeakabel bond may he love me truly and ivce versa may we be happy togheter may you proidve for usLor dour own home our own life. haev meerc yan dhelp. itn ehanemfot eh Lord jeu sChirs ti pray allaccoridgn to oyur Will. i pelad your Holy blood upon me my hubby formt he Lor dour respective fmaileis our lives and all lvies dleive rus form alleivl and portec tour comign our goign our brians our houghts our heartsdleiv eurs ofmr depression and giv eus hope. please destryo the works of the devi in all live sand dlieve rlal peoel form all illness diabetes sicknes disease cancer tumrs strep flehs eaitng bacteir apelase dleiv eur sofm rlal evil by your Power Lor dpleas ienthename f the lor djeu sChirst. thnak you for you YOu Christ our Lord.