Tiffy Taffy
Humble Servant of All
Please pray that God and Jesus takes away my stress because I am tired of being stressed and I haven't been happy in over 20 years. Due to family problems, and problems on the job a couple of years back, being unemployed caused my family to argue with me. When my mom was alive she got mad at me for working and when she got older my mom got mad at me for working late and wanted me to quit my job it's wrong and it stresses me out. And my brother is mad at me because I don't have a job I applied everywhere nobody wants to hire me when I am a hard worker and I don't have a lot of skills. And one thing is not good I compare myself to others wish I had what they had and I compare my family to my friend's family that is happy loving caring. And my family is not caring with me or others my family is loving the ones who are their favorite. My family scream and yell at the least favorite child and treat them horribly. That's how my mom did me treat her 3 oldest sons better than me and treat me horribly talk down to me and she gave me everything I wanted that's good she emotionally neglected me too it hurts talking about it. How can God and Jesus takes away my pain that's how my mom and others treat me and people in the family treat others. When I see happy family I get sad because I never got that love in years of my mom saying I love you and she hasn't hugged me in years before she passed. I hurt me when she gets mad at me and wants to leave instead of talking about the problem that's how her sons is with their kids. I miss my mom I am sad that she is gone I am very upset the way she treated me. Please pray that God and Jesus takes away my pain and hurt. I pray for those who have been hurt by family and friends my heart goes out to all of you I don't want nobody to go through what I have going through I hope you talk to God and Jesus and get therapy please I hope you all do and I pray that God and Jesus gives us what we need in Jesus name Amen Hugs and Prayers for all of you 
