Disciple of Prayer
I need prayer i need prsyer strong and demanding as I herd a special evangelist tell me one time to make prayers come true you jsve to be stern and demanding. I've never agreed to this but maybe this is the answer. My wife is trying to ruin our marriage minupulating everything into my fault when this isn't my lifestyle I've always been a believer and I went to church all my childhood where I was saved at the age of 14 at a church all night bowling camp rally in New Jersey my wife has alot of spiritual needs as she was never taught anything about church or Jesus as a very young child her grandmother started going to church and confused she has been born agsin after her 4th marriage. Neither of her parents were very religious. Her did talked about it but the lifestyle was not there. He claimed to be saved but he was a drunkard n my Bible says no drunkards would enter into the kingdom of God wich I hope is not true and thst he did go to heaven. Her mother never talked about Jesus or church other than being forced to go as a child on a bus to church on Sunday mornings. I really could use alot of prayer and so could she mostly hers is for making her understand the commitment she made to God in our vows and there is serous consequences in going backwards wich our children up into the 7th of generations could pay for. My wife said she got saved and went thrugh all the motions in 2012 and was baptized with me and our oldest son in 2013 I pray God heals both of our hearts and holds me tightly thurgh all of this and I pray God works on my wife's heart drastically and immediately cuz I will be complelty honest with you all for praying with me and for us thst I do not even want to live without her anymore she did this very same thing 8 years ago. I almost succeeded in driving my truck down a cliff to end it all 8 years ago and the last 6 weeks I have constipated in taking my own life every day and every night all night long and all day long. Honeslry If it were not a sin and I wouldn't go to hell for it I would already be dead to tell you the truth. God says he will never send us anything thst we can not handle but this I can not handle and I beg everyone to pray loke you have never prayed before I ment every single word of my vows and commitment to God and to my wife every single word and I will not nor can not go on without her. So please pray please pray for us hard and long and the most powerful prayer you can ever think of on how to pray to make God fix us and fix this mess thst should never happen in a chirsian home to begin with. I pray God comes into our home and removes all evil from our homes as our homes are under attack more and more each day. I also pray thst our internet would blow up or somthing so she couldn't sit and talk to people on the internet all day and night when we are posed to be a family and we are only supposed to congregate between gods people for spiritual reasons unsaved people have such a downward spiral on you wen you hang out or talk to them for long periods of time and then things like this start to happen in our Christian homes. It doesn't help anything thst there is so much evil on this property where we live there is only one other family on this property with 8 other families and 2 of the other fsmiieles I do believe may jist be satin in human form. You know how sayin will tske up residency in a person's body and ruin others around them until he is done with them and then he will destroy thst person for good well I honeslty feel as if we are living in sodum or gamore if I spelled them right spell check keeps changing them on me. But please pray powerfully and pray like you have never prayed before I beg you in Jesus precious and holy name I do pray. Amen