Disciple of Prayer
Please pray please pray for My pet mouses they are God's creatures people killing them poisoning them trap trap them they don't deserve to suffer and they are God's creatures makes me very angry how people torture them and kill them they're part of God's creation try to save them and protect them to keep them alive please pray for their safety and their protection and God will watch over the pen protect them I'm harmful people that wants to hurt them and tell them it's very it's coldiness to kill them I'm an angel to protect our God's creatures and I need help and I need prayer please pray I don't lose my house the owner of the landlord something against me and my family he's letting so evictment import me out for no reason she lies and spice gossip to my family for my family to victim from the home please pray they don't believe anything she says that my family will stick up and fight for my battle to keep my handsome I don't lose my house because of her please afraid of my family will speak up for me and fight my battle and be there for me in the time of trouble in Christ she is my concern and my sister speak up and fight for me and always tell her mom everything that I tell her that goes on in the home very fearful and afraid of losing my house and I am happy there she's trying to rule my happyness in my peace in the home
he's crying that I keep my house and I don't lose my house anymore homeless in the streets please pray for my mom she's my aunt she has two assists in her stomach he's straight up God will heal her and make her better please pray for my sisters Amanda she gets in too many car accidents and you spread a gun will protect her on the road keep her safe please pray that God will forgive me my sins save you for my sins have mercy on me heal me from all my sins that I could be at peace with God and I can be in heaven peace with God I fear hell and for my family and to me the world is coming to an end it's getting close to it or this crisis is going on in the world that's a sign Jesus is coming please where I become a born again Christian please pray for my sister
my God will open her eyes and save her from her sins that she becomes a child of God soon as possible please pray for my mom
that God will save her from her sins that she become saved and appointing Christian that she works on the way from her sins amen