Beloved of All
please pray ofr my mom who gothr tooth pulle dplease pain all leaves and she recives new sharp teeth form God. please pray my grandma has healign for her bowels veins arteries. pleas epray iam heale dof depressiona nd anger and dissapointment pleas pay my da ddoe snot freeze int he cold so he is no onger freezing. i wanna be heale dof metabic disoders.please pray for famiyl heiang and feedom in Chirst Lord have emrcy.. please touch restore my mother to exclleent healht please pleas edo a miracl ein her lif enow bless hr above and beyond recreativ emriacle for ehr grandma may whoel fmaily and al poepel pleas ehal Bs teth deliver himf rom alillness phycially mentally spirtualy emotinally. heal him Lor id fHe is my husband that cofnrim to us both if not than cornfirm its a no.. pleas dleive rm form ebgin so lonleyy and heal ym body and my mind so frustrated al the itme caus elif eis har dspleas make tign seasier for me and my fmaily especially in ur overall hath. please deivnely protect us our thoguhts acitosn itnentions and our WIll form the devil .please dliever all who are cruche din spriit please heal all souls. please Lord have forgiv my sisn i need Your refuge i feel so depressd. Lr please dleiver em and my fmaily form the evil in every way same wiht my hubby formt eh Lord. allow us to be heale dLord blessed adn prosper in soul and health . also my ubby formthe Lord. please send trillions of holy angels to help my parents give your salvaiton healing abudsnant life merr yhearts to my parents frandama your slavaitona nd ehlp: Lord i need you to alo help me . i need your help im weary. and also xiosu. plea elt somehtign good hapen in my fmaiyl life. if you are willig belss us soemhow for good plea. bless me with a wodnerufl lovign husband who loves me and spends lot sof itme wiht em an cares about em and my fmaily. thanky u. in the namef the Lord Jeus Christ