Beloved of All
Please Pray in the name of Jesus that some form of miracle happens soon to save me. I had to explain, again, to my husband this morning that because he did not call for an ambulance when my brain haemorrhage occurred, the blood was left to do dreadful damage to my brain, and I have no chance of surviving and being 'normal'. He seemed to suddenly realise what that means for me, but has gone into another room and is having his lunch. He still seems to think that he can take my place and leave me here in health. This is why I have been asking for the miracle of time travel, the Covid pandemic stopped all blood pressure tests being held at my Physician's office, and incorrect readings were sent, resulting in my blood pressure being dangerously high. I was not even fortunate enough to have an Ischaemic stroke, I suffered a Primary Intracerebral Haemorrhage in the Cerebellar Hemisphere which, due to my husband's inaction, has destroyed so much brain tissue, which cannot be replaced, that my life in this world is now in constant peril. My husband has said from the moment my illness befell me that he wishes it had happened to him, not me, and although I appreciate his thought, I think the chance of that happening is slight. He said it again today, and I am so desperate to live on, that I actually agreed with him, stating that if God's will is for that to happen, so be it. I Pray every day and night that God will do one of three things, restore me to health, take me in His arms, back to the date which was the last chance for the correct information to get to my Physician, or to take my soul immediately. Honestly, it will destroy my son to lose me, and I do not want to leave this world for a long, long time, I have too many things that I wish to do, but without a miracle, I think I may be in the next world before too much longer. Please, I ask everyone to genuinely Pray for me, I really need God to take pity, and save me. I have struggled with weight issues for all of my adult life, and rather than help me, my husband would place high calorie foods in front of me. He has willpower, and I have not. I have lost a lot of weight now, mainly by being too frightened to eat, but of course, the time I needed to lose weight was before the brain haemorrhage, not after. My Physician ### Did cause terrible harm to me by refusing to increase my medication, and that was when the really high blood pressure started. My Faith is being sorely tested by this matter, but I cannot bear the thought of not having God by my side. I should have turned to Him many times in the past, but I tried to do everything alone. I would love to now spend time each day just taking to God, not asking Him for anything, just chatting. My Father left this world owing to Hypertension and Stroke and I just cannot accept that God will take me for the same reason. Please, I know God's Word is that His plans are perfect, but I feel sure that He, as a kind and benevolent Father, will help me now, as if He looks into my heart, He will see that I am good. Please, people, please, Pray that God will provide me with a desperately needed miracle. It is almost Christmas, and I would dearly love to host a homeless person, for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus, to show my Grandson how we should behave, but I do not have the health to do that. Please ask God to give me a Christmas Miracle, that I will be well enough to help someone else. Please, I beg you all, Pray that The Lord Almighty will save my life. I have heard much about the Power of Prayer, and it does seem to be that more voices Praying for one thing is answered often, so please, help me by Praying for me. Thank You All. ###