I happen to know someone that is in it right now. Even though they seem to do a lot of good, and people seem to be getting saved through it. My internet research has revealed to me that it is a mixed bag. When I say 'research' I don't mean deep intensive research. You don't got go deep to see that is a mixed bag with some controversy. For example, in one of Church services on the main ### island they spoke of healings and miracles. I'm like ok, I would like to see some videos of miracles. I went to look some up and I only one came up, and it was a really old video from the 1980s when lots and lots of fish jumped ashore. They were able to do some good things with this. But was it really an act from God? Or was something else going on? I don't know. But most of the videos that came up were about Spiritual abuse, and some people researching to see if it should be labeled a cult or not. They seem to put a big focus on learning how to hear God's voice, and finding God's will for your life. They spend a good 3 months on this kind of thing. Spending lots to time with Jesus, prayer, and worship etc, as they get prepared to share around the Gospel message around the world. I shouldn't feel uneasy inside, about the person who went on this trip, and yet I do. My prayer has been that they will learn whatever God wants them to learn through this experience, and that they will have good discernment. I also prayed that the Lord will bring them back a better Christian than they were when they left. I also want the people they go and minister to, to get closer to God for it as well. But as for YWAM it's self, I continue to wonder "good" or "bad". The Pentecostal Ideas, often make me feel uneasy. For starters, I had a Pentecostal friend who hurt me. In fact just about every Pentecostal person that I have ever known has hurt me in some why or another. Sometimes they have said weird things to me like "God told me not to talk to you anymore". And then other Pentecostal people have backed it up, by saying, yep God could of told them that. I want to be close to Jesus too. And I always wanted a Christian community. This group seems to do that stuff to the extreme. So much so that when it is time for people to return home, they go through a period of trying to adjust back to normal life. Our Christian cultures have come a long ways from tiny 12 disciples that lived around and followed Jesus. It wasn't huge organizations spreading the Gospel message. Anyways, you can pray about this anyway you want.