Beloved of All
please pray for ( urgent):
F who has been eating too little. Please pray he is healed of whatever is making him eat too little and to be heale dof any fear/ allergies by the LORd Jesus Christ and HIS power and love. please pray for him as he is also unemployed. Please pray for him and his girlfriend. may the LORd guide them both to the LORD Jesus Christ. May His perfect Will be done concernign their romantic ralationship.
Please pray for my dad who has been homeless living in a van since late 2016. Pleas epray th e LORD keeps him warm and provides him a place to sleep that is indoor by HIS POwer. Please pray for his side of the fmaily to be saved by the LORD Jesus Christ.
Please pray for Gábor , my granduncle who is living in a home in HUnagry. Please pleas epray for his healing. it is urgent. He needs a miracle. He is been fed by assistance. Please please pray that the LORD reveals himself to him for HIS glory and heals his mind, memory and also his body. PLease pray the LOD sendy Holy angels to minister to HIm sent by the LORD Jesus Crist adn also true disciples of the LORd ot ministe runto him. Please Pray Gábor is heale idnt he name of the LORD Jesus CHrist and all those who ar eill int he home as will for God's glory. Please pray He gets the best possible help for his health, the best possible care and attention, love support and best food. Please pray he is healed by faith in the nam eof the LORD Jesus CHrist and he recovers. FOr the glor yof God.Thanyk you
Please pray for my grandmother , whom i am an asisstant cargiver to. Please pray she is healed in her body to be able to move better adn that he shuffling or whateer it is that discourages her from moving or walking well is removed. Please pray fo rher head as their is a scar that needs to be healed ( from previous tumour removal. pelase pray that She is healed in Jesus Christ name and that th eLORD Jesus Christ will be glorified in her body , mind sould, spirit for HIs glory. Also for salvation for my grandmother and whole family through the LORD Jesus Christ. Thanyk you
Pleas epray fo rmy mom. Please pray that the LORD Jesus reveals His salvationadn love to her adn miraculously heals any periodontosis disease in her. Please pray Jesus does a big miracl ein her life and heals her bones, teeth adn gums adn removes all tartar by Jesus's divine power. I pray the hOly spirit guide her ocncernign finances and also concerning other fmialy memebers. I pray me and my mom do not fight but love one another. pure holy love given by the LORD Jesus CHrist.
I pray for all those visitng and praying on this site that they may know the LORD Jesus CHrist adn hear his voice and ebe led by His holy spirit. Please LOrd heal those who ar ein pain on this site, please comfort those who need comforting or are mourning, please give hope in Jesus to all of us, please help us to remain faithful adn trust the LORD Jesus CHrist and the Father adn be led by the hOly spirit at all times. PLease deliver us from all demons adn all evil as well as our families, please guide us all as your flock LORD Jesus, please deliver us from all froms of darkness and lea dus not into temptation, please heal all those who have a disease on this site by the blood and power of the LORD Jesus CHrist, please heal those with depression or anxiety or both and take away the spirit of heaviness form us, please lead those who don't know Jesus , your Son , to know and belive in HIm. Teahc us LORD , Heavenly Father al things adn guide us into all truth through your holy spirit. Please heal all those who have soem kind of organ failure. please heal them in Jesus CHrist name. Please heal the sick, comfort the hurting, give hope to those hwo are feeling hopeless. Please protect children from evil adn learning anything fromt he devil. Please guide us and watch ove rour families. Prepare us with your spirit for your coming LORD Jesus Christ. PLease healp us understadn what Your caling is to each any everyone of us. Help us to honour you and may You be always glorified. May Your KIngdom be doen LORD and Your WIll done always. Give us peace and comfort in times of difficult trials. Please LORd bring those back to life that lose family members. even back to earth. Prolong our days, give us wisdom and contentment in your Son the LORD Jesus Christ adn You Father God almighty. Please proloue our days adn give us love to giv eothers. Please giv eme the gift of love and all on this site. Help us to seek you ..Please save us LORD and all on this site. please heal those who ar ein an accident. please may they know YOu LORd Jesus Christ are the healer and LOrd and Saviour of all. LORd remove any blindess in our hearts, remove and fear of follwing you if there may be.. give us al pure hearts to see you LORd. Please give us ears tht are not dull of hearing.. Please bring time of refreshment.. please bring healing to the sick, food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, comfrt to the mourning, divine contact form you LORd God Jesus Christ. Pour out your spirit adn help us to not quench it. Please establich our thoughts to do Your Will . Help us seek after your heart and love one another asYou have love dus. Help us to serve you adn foccus on serving YOu all the days of our lives. give us hearts that rejioce with truth and also keep us close so we neevr stray again from you through you Son the LORD Jesus Christ. Thanyk OYu LORD please help allthos eon this site as well as financially and bring all on this site spirtual refreshment form you. Please help us to trust you even during times of difficulty, lonliness .. May we never be in despair because YOu are our LORD LOrd Jesus Christ.
F who has been eating too little. Please pray he is healed of whatever is making him eat too little and to be heale dof any fear/ allergies by the LORd Jesus Christ and HIS power and love. please pray for him as he is also unemployed. Please pray for him and his girlfriend. may the LORd guide them both to the LORD Jesus Christ. May His perfect Will be done concernign their romantic ralationship.
Please pray for my dad who has been homeless living in a van since late 2016. Pleas epray th e LORD keeps him warm and provides him a place to sleep that is indoor by HIS POwer. Please pray for his side of the fmaily to be saved by the LORD Jesus Christ.
Please pray for Gábor , my granduncle who is living in a home in HUnagry. Please pleas epray for his healing. it is urgent. He needs a miracle. He is been fed by assistance. Please please pray that the LORD reveals himself to him for HIS glory and heals his mind, memory and also his body. PLease pray the LOD sendy Holy angels to minister to HIm sent by the LORD Jesus Crist adn also true disciples of the LORd ot ministe runto him. Please Pray Gábor is heale idnt he name of the LORD Jesus CHrist and all those who ar eill int he home as will for God's glory. Please pray He gets the best possible help for his health, the best possible care and attention, love support and best food. Please pray he is healed by faith in the nam eof the LORD Jesus CHrist and he recovers. FOr the glor yof God.Thanyk you
Please pray for my grandmother , whom i am an asisstant cargiver to. Please pray she is healed in her body to be able to move better adn that he shuffling or whateer it is that discourages her from moving or walking well is removed. Please pray fo rher head as their is a scar that needs to be healed ( from previous tumour removal. pelase pray that She is healed in Jesus Christ name and that th eLORD Jesus Christ will be glorified in her body , mind sould, spirit for HIs glory. Also for salvation for my grandmother and whole family through the LORD Jesus Christ. Thanyk you
Pleas epray fo rmy mom. Please pray that the LORD Jesus reveals His salvationadn love to her adn miraculously heals any periodontosis disease in her. Please pray Jesus does a big miracl ein her life and heals her bones, teeth adn gums adn removes all tartar by Jesus's divine power. I pray the hOly spirit guide her ocncernign finances and also concerning other fmialy memebers. I pray me and my mom do not fight but love one another. pure holy love given by the LORD Jesus CHrist.
I pray for all those visitng and praying on this site that they may know the LORD Jesus CHrist adn hear his voice and ebe led by His holy spirit. Please LOrd heal those who ar ein pain on this site, please comfort those who need comforting or are mourning, please give hope in Jesus to all of us, please help us to remain faithful adn trust the LORD Jesus CHrist and the Father adn be led by the hOly spirit at all times. PLease deliver us from all demons adn all evil as well as our families, please guide us all as your flock LORD Jesus, please deliver us from all froms of darkness and lea dus not into temptation, please heal all those who have a disease on this site by the blood and power of the LORD Jesus CHrist, please heal those with depression or anxiety or both and take away the spirit of heaviness form us, please lead those who don't know Jesus , your Son , to know and belive in HIm. Teahc us LORD , Heavenly Father al things adn guide us into all truth through your holy spirit. Please heal all those who have soem kind of organ failure. please heal them in Jesus CHrist name. Please heal the sick, comfort the hurting, give hope to those hwo are feeling hopeless. Please protect children from evil adn learning anything fromt he devil. Please guide us and watch ove rour families. Prepare us with your spirit for your coming LORD Jesus Christ. PLease healp us understadn what Your caling is to each any everyone of us. Help us to honour you and may You be always glorified. May Your KIngdom be doen LORD and Your WIll done always. Give us peace and comfort in times of difficult trials. Please LORd bring those back to life that lose family members. even back to earth. Prolong our days, give us wisdom and contentment in your Son the LORD Jesus Christ adn You Father God almighty. Please proloue our days adn give us love to giv eothers. Please giv eme the gift of love and all on this site. Help us to seek you ..Please save us LORD and all on this site. please heal those who ar ein an accident. please may they know YOu LORd Jesus Christ are the healer and LOrd and Saviour of all. LORd remove any blindess in our hearts, remove and fear of follwing you if there may be.. give us al pure hearts to see you LORd. Please give us ears tht are not dull of hearing.. Please bring time of refreshment.. please bring healing to the sick, food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, comfrt to the mourning, divine contact form you LORd God Jesus Christ. Pour out your spirit adn help us to not quench it. Please establich our thoughts to do Your Will . Help us seek after your heart and love one another asYou have love dus. Help us to serve you adn foccus on serving YOu all the days of our lives. give us hearts that rejioce with truth and also keep us close so we neevr stray again from you through you Son the LORD Jesus Christ. Thanyk OYu LORD please help allthos eon this site as well as financially and bring all on this site spirtual refreshment form you. Please help us to trust you even during times of difficulty, lonliness .. May we never be in despair because YOu are our LORD LOrd Jesus Christ.