Lord Jesus you said in John 10:10-The thief comes only to steal, and kill and destroy. I came that they might have it abundantly.. When also know that the mental destruction is not from you but from satan and he is the one who climbs up some other way, he a thief and a robber.But you Jesus who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. And to him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice and the calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.when he puts forth all his own he goes before them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. So Lord Jesus the voices that trinity is hearing is not your voice. It is the voice of satan. In Mark 1:34-He was not permitting the demons to speak. So in the authority and power in Jesus name we tell that demon to shut up and come out her mind and ears and heart conscience.. We also demand the spirit of legion and dumb and deaf spirit to stop talking and stop control her mind and that we are standing on the word of God in Psalm 107:20-He sent His word and healed them ( trinity) and delivered them from destructions ( trinity). By faith in your word trinity is delivered from this destruction. We also coming into agreement with the Passover blood . That we are apply the blood of Jesus on her life, that says and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts , the Lord will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you. Thank you Jesus for the protection of the blood of Jesus , indeed it is very precious indeed. O the blood of Jesus that washes trinity whiter then son and can make her whole again. We tell that legion and dumb and deaf spirit to leave her soul, spirit and body and do not enter her ever again. You have no right that has now been purchase also known as redeemed with the blood of Jesus. Lord Jesus we release the peace of God to flow in the room that she is in.Lord Jesus if she is taking medicine and they are making her worse .Take her off that sorcery and I pronounced in her the mind of Christ. I command and rebuke the voice of oppression and the opressor. I speak in her right now peace that goes beyond all understanding.And that you are the Prince of Peace. O yes Lord Jesus you know how to calm the raging storm inside the mind. We sprinkle the blood of Jesus against satan dominion in her mind and resting on her head. We rebuke darkness that brings fears and torments and evil . in the Name of Jesus we cast out fear and put in perfect love that expels all fears. Lord Jesus we also come against a lunatic. We know that trinity has been redeem from the curse of madness, blindness and bewilderment of heart. Lord Jesus we also believe that you have redeem her from the curse of confusion. Lord Jesus we know suicide is destruction. But we know that greater is he that is in her.Has overcome the evil one and all his devices. trinity soul shall escape the snare of the trapper. and that snare of suicide and destruction is broken and she has escaped. We ask that you send angel to silence the roar of the adversary. We rebuke the rulers of darkness that making her dwelling in dark place. Thank you Jesus that your mercy endures forever. We take your rich mercy that endures for her today.Believe that many forces that brings lunatic and suicide has drown into the depts. of the sea right now. Goodbye suicide your drowing not trinity.And Just like Paul told the in Acts 16:27-But Paul cried out with a loud voice, saying Do your self no harm. So Jesus we that being said you telling trinity do yourself no harm. We in the Name of Jesus rebuke self inflicting harm. You are released from this sickness. And to us who fear the name of the Lord.Sun righteous will arise with healing in his wings. Thank you Jesus healing is resting on her. She freed from this insanity. She will not drown nor will she be trapped in the deep mire and no will the deep swallow her up in Jesus Name.And also Lord Jesus we rebuke death and self inflicting murder thoughs. We rebuke the nasty flies that are landing their lies in her mind right now.I thank you Jesus that she is saved by grace. All glory to God in Jesus Name.Amen.