Disciple of Prayer
Please pray for the Lord to deal with the strange woman/women who are having affair with my husband. This other woman who is very young not only wants my husband for her own. She desires my home and the things that I worked hard for. We have a business, homes and lands . Sheβs knows that and she has desires to take that away. She wants to live like a millionaire lifestyle for things she never worked for, she never labored, she never suffered for. She is currently pregnant from my husband and desires to take things away from my children. She wants to come here to United States. She has caused a lot of distress to my children. She publishes things on social media and then tags my children in it so they can see it and be very upset and depressed. She tells my husband not to have a relationship with our youngest daughter, she tells him to stay away, she gets so mad when he spends time with our youngest daughter. His mother too is involved in all this because she wants her son to stay over there with them since her husband died please pray for the Lord to give my husband a heart of flesh to remove the scales from his eyes, and to remove the spiritual delusion deliver him from these people and from any evil spirits, may the Lord uproot any ungodly, relationships or addictions I pray he has an encounter with the Lord, and he gave his life to the Lord . The other woman used to sing in her church. I pray that she go back to the Lord and the Lord, save them, and deliver them and bring them back to Him. I pray this year that the Lord give me back everything sevenfold what the enemy has stolen. I am recovering from chemo treatments and radiation. I pray that I am declared cancer free soon. My daughter has a heart condition and I pray that she is healed totally. I pray for a restoration reconciliation of my marriage and my family in Jesus name I think you all for praying and for all that see you this may God bless you.