I will pray it heals. Be careful. You might have slight sprain. You might want to elevate the leg and put ice in a bag or dry ice with light cloth covering on that ankle or just use a bag of frozen vegetables. )You need light covering over the dry ice because you don't want to "freeze burn:" your skin. I am not saying to baby the ankle forever. I am just saying to exercise caution. I sprained my ankle really badly last year, started power walking on it too soon and ended up missing half the summer walking because I reinjured the thing even worse. The rule of thumb is don't start exercising on the injured ankle until a week after you feel all the way better. If the pain persists, see a doc. Your sister in Christ, Lamb.
P.S.:Β Get real ace bandage at drug store -- Not the skimpy self-stick kind. The ones that are long and use clips.Β Wrap it firmly around that ankle but not too, too tight.
P.P.S.:Β If there is no swelling, then it probably is not that bad of an injury. I am just cautioning you because of nightmare I brought on myself because I did not do right things for my sprain. Mine was swollen. I twisted it really badly. Fell in pothole in street. So don't worry, worry. You are not as hurt as I was.