Disciple of Prayer
Thank you all for your Prayers, however the market was cancelled today not because of the rain which was very close and would have probably reached the market by mid morning anyway but due to the high winds caused by the approaching front! And also due to the few other stallholders who turned up procrastinating about setting up. They later mostly decided to leave without setting up as a result the Manager declared the Market as cancelled. I procrastinated this morning when I got up about going and perhaps should have waived the day, but I stupidly went anyway and wasted my time and fuel going as I thought I would just go and do a limited set up that I would pack up and leave quickly on the moment the rain started to fall but the problem was that no one else was prepared to brave the weather to do so. Anyway I did do well on the Saturday and I guess I'll just have to be content with that and the day tomorrow Monday which will be fine weather. So I'll just do as the Lord decrees and have a rest this Sabbath and attend my church service (online) as I am far from home at my father's place. I have enough to pay my last bill (Rego) but just wanted to get a little extra to pay for new Van tyres which are nearly bald and Ute repairs but that will have to wait. Thanks to all you guys for your Prayers anyway and for trying God Bless you all.